vendredi 16 novembre 2018
Goop's Annual Gift Guide Includes a Custom Lullaby Recording For - Wait, How Much?

Goop's annual gift guide is always fun to explore, and yes, even the brand itself admits some of the products are "ridiculous but awesome." One such gift that could qualify is this Custom Lullaby Recording for babies. It's quite adorable: a British singer-songwriter named Lotte Mullan will write a lullaby based on information and treasured moments you share about your baby, plus what kind of mood you're going for - a relaxing ballad or something more upbeat. The catch is, it'll set you back $600.
Keep in mind you'll receive the lullaby in the form of a download that can be played forever, and the printout of the lyrics with your customized title - "Erin's Lullaby" - is pretty cute. This could be a great way to go in on a group gift for any friends who've recently had a baby, too! The acoustic song is professionally recorded and mixed in Lotte's London studio, and you can also contact the songwriter for any preferences. See more photos of the lullaby gift ahead to get a better visual, and then peruse lots more affordable gift options for kids.
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