mardi 13 novembre 2018

How Often Should You Get a Facial? We Asked an Expert

Facials are an incredible add-on that can take your skincare routine up a notch. From microdermabrasion and acid peels to acupuncture and oxygen, there are so many options to choose from. Still, even if you're committed to upping your skincare game with regular facials and have the means to visit an expert, you might not know how many you need to get results. We sought out celebrity facialist Michaella Bolder to help answer the question.

"Facial appointments depend on the treatment itself and how far they need to be spaced out," Bolder said. That means active ingredients may require downtime, while other treatments may need to be bulked together for best results. For example, if someone is getting a targeted acne laser treatment, they may need to book one facial a week for multiple weeks, whereas if you're doing it for maintenance, every few months might be adequate for results. In general, Bolder suggests to aim for a facial appointment every four weeks while taking care of your skin at home in the meantime.

If you are unable or don't want to go for a professional facial, there are steps you can take at home to maximize results. Bolder recommends "an exfoliating stage and a mask application twice a week." Our favorites include Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment ($85) and Garnier Moisture Bomb Sakura Hydrating Face Sheet Mask ($3). Bolder also stresses that sticking to a daily skincare routine, morning and night, is essential to maintaining skin health.

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