lundi 31 décembre 2018

My New Year's Resolution Is to Start These Silly Traditions With Each of My Kids

My mom is pretty much my guru when it comes to all things parenting, but I've long accepted that doesn't mean I have to do things exactly how she did. While I know I'll never live up to her saint-level patience, I also don't remember her doing things like blasting the music in the car and leading us in impromptu dance parties, which is a regular occurrence in my young family.

However, there were a couple of silly traditions she created with my brother and I that I will always remember and appreciate because they were fun and reminded us of how special we were to her. Somehow in between working full-time, cleaning, driving us around, feeding us, and being the best person I've ever met, she made up little rituals that were only between herself and one of her children. For me, it was one way we said "I love you"; for my brother, it was a game they played to commemorate the first day of every month. Thirty-plus years later, we still pull them out on occasion.

So this year, my New Year's resolution is to start a silly tradition with each of my children, one thing we'll have only between the two of us that will remind them just how much I love them and add more fun to our relationships. If you're interested in doing the same, here are some ideas to get you started.

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