jeudi 31 janvier 2019
Friendly PSA: Trader Joe's Has a New Protein-Packed Ice Cream For Just $2 a Pint!

Look, I love getting my daily protein fix by devouring a bowlful of nutritious, protein-packed ice cream, but you know what I don't love? How much said pints of ice cream usually cost. Typically hovering between the $4 to $6 mark for a teeny-tiny container, they're admittedly a bit of a splurge. At last, Trader Joe's has a solution to spare my whimpering wallet and never-satisfied sweet tooth.
The beloved grocery store now sells Swell ice cream (which used to be branded under the name ProYo) for just $1.99 - yep, as in just one George Washington bill and 99 shiny pennies. Flavors offered at Trader Joe's include Dutch Chocolate, Vanilla Bean, Mocha, and Mint Chip, all of which contain 10 grams of protein, 120 calories, and 9 grams of sugar per each half-cup serving size. Oh, and they're gluten- and soy-free, too.
So far, it looks like Swell's pints have started popping up at a few TJ's locations in California, but we're crossing our fingers (and toes!) that they make their way across the states ASAP. If you simply can't contain your excitement to taste-test Swell's high-protein ice cream, you can use the store locator to see if any other retailers near you offer the pints.
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