mardi 5 février 2019

Send Help - I Can't Stop Drooling Over This New Mickey Mouse Dessert at Disneyland

Warning: The content we're about to share with you may cause excessive salivation and/or sudden pangs of hunger. Proceed with caution.

Phew, OK, now that we've gotten that very vital heads-up out of the way, we're delighted to introduce you to our latest Disney parks food craving: the Mickey Mouse Club Hat Dessert. Served up at the Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe in Disneyland, this sweet treat is being offered as part of the Get Your Ears On Celebration in honor of Mickey and Minnie Mouse's 90th anniversary.

The dessert features - are you ready for this? - a chocolate truffle mousse dome filled with vanilla-bean crème brûlée and topped with two dark chocolate Mickey ears and a Mickey Mouse Club logo. Yep, it's practically begging for you to take a Boomerang video while cutting into its gooey center. So far, the decadent $6 masterpiece has been quite a hit among Disneyland visitors, with one Instagram user noting that it's "worth every calorie." Welp, this Instagram-worthy treat has officially catapulted to the tippy-top of our edible Disneyland bucket list!


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