dimanche 23 juillet 2017

Have the Most Memorable Drink of Your Life at This Underwater Winery

From the seriously breathtaking beaches to the charming towns and budget-friendly options, Croatia doesn't need much more to make its way to the top of bucket lists. One of the most unique destinations in the country is an underwater winery.

Located an hour north of Dubrovnik, Edivo Vina ages its wine for three months above ground before sending its bottles deep into the sea for two years. If sipping on the unique final product in the comfort of your dry clothes isn't enough, the winery allows guests to tour one of its underwater cellars to see how the wine is actually made and pick out a unique bottle.

To protect the quality of the wine from the sea water, each bottle is stored in a clay jar during its time in the ocean. When the wine is brought back up, each bottle is as unique as this aging process because they return covered in coral and shells. It's safe to say this is one souvenir you're definitely going to want to bring back. See photos of the winery ahead!


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