jeudi 11 avril 2019
No Gym? No Problem - All You Need Are 2 Dumbbells For This Total-Body Blasting At-Home Workout

If you've decided to break up with your gym membership once and for all, you're going to need to figure out a plan for working out. No matter what you're favorite style of training is, we highly recommend adding in strength training as a supplementary workout to build muscle and improve muscular imbalances, strength, and power. To help you out, we've got a total-body workout that will leave you feeling sweaty, strong, and sore in the best way possible.
Grab your dumbbells, turn on your favorite playlist, and get ready to work.
The At-Home Dumbbell Workout
The only thing you'll need for this workout is a set of medium-weight dumbbells. Not exactly sure how much you should be lifting? Use this simple guide to choose the right weight. After you've got your weights, be sure to go through a dynamic warmup to get your muscles warm and prevent injury.
This workout should be performed in trisets, meaning every set will have three exercises in it. Complete the designated sets and reps as listed ahead. Try to take no more than 45 to 60 seconds of rest in between exercises and sets. One you've completed the workout, be sure to cool down.
- Triset 1, Exercise 1: single-leg deadlift with dumbbells: three sets of 10 reps on each leg
- Triset 1, Exercise 2: bent-over row: three sets of 12 reps
- Triset 1, Exercise 3: seated knee tuck: three sets of 12 reps
- Triset 2, Exercise 1: goblet squat: three sets of 15 reps
- Triset 2, Exercise 2: bicep curl: three sets of 12 reps
- Triset 2, Exercise 3: elbow side plank: hold for 20 seconds on each side
- Triset 3, Exercise 1: weighted glute bridge: three sets of 12 reps
- Triset 3, Exercise 2: dumbbell triceps extension: three sets 12 reps
- Triset 3, Exercise 3: seated Russian twist: three sets 10 reps
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