lundi 13 juillet 2020
Lucifer Is Back in a Season 5 Trailer Full of Brotherly Woes, Butts, and Lots of Hellfire

It's finally here! The trailer for the fifth - and not so final - season of Lucifer has finally arrived, and the two-minute video is packed with delicious surprises. Welcome the latest member of Lucifer's family to make their onscreen appearance: Michael, his twin brother!
Instead of everyone's favorite fallen angel making his return to Los Angeles after leaving for Hell in season four, it's Michael who makes his grand entrance under the guise of being his brother. Michael holds a grudge against Lucifer and plans to usurp the latter's life on the mortal plane as payback. He must be the younger brother. There's no telling how long Michael plays the role of his brother, but when Lucifer finally makes his way back topside, it's far from a happy reunion. And of course, the rest of the cast has to deal with their shenanigans as well as their own life: Chloe seems to have serious misgivings about romance, Ella finally finds a nice guy, and Amenadiel adjusts to the whole fatherhood thing. It's definitely going to be a fiery season!
Watch the trailer above, and take a first look at the special noir episode from the upcoming season before Lucifer returns on Aug. 21.
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