Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.

Mental Health

Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.

Public health

Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.

Reproductive Health

For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

vendredi 5 avril 2019

11 Home Renovations and How Much They Should Cost

For some, the thought of a home renovation is thrilling - a chance to get their hands dirty and really make their mark on their home. For others, the idea feels chaotic and not exactly how they'd want to spend a weekend (or their paychecks). Love them or hate them, one thing's for sure: knowing how much a renovation can and should cost can help you prioritize your remodeling projects, budget accordingly, and be one step closer to having the beautiful home of your dreams. So whether your home's entire exterior needs an overhaul or you just want to refresh a couple of outdated features, this is how much you should expect to pay for these common home renovations.

Traveling Solo? Here Are 11 Fun Things to Do to Enjoy Your Own Company

Traveling alone is one of the most freeing, rewarding, and enriching experiences a person can have. Not only will you get to know yourself much better by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, but embarking on a solo trip also allows you to be entirely selfish. You craft your own personal itinerary, change it up whenever you feel like it, and experience things (food definitely included) that you want to experience. Want to wake up at the crack of dawn for a sunrise safari? You can do it without worrying about bothering someone else. Want to sleep in late and relax in the pool all day? Do it! It's entirely up to you. Solo travel is definitely worth it, so keep reading for 11 fun things to do by yourself when you're jet-setting.

The 35 Products Everyone Is Buying From Amazon Right Now - Do You Have Them?

Amazon is one of our favorite destinations for everything from home organizing products to cute Summer sandals, but the online retailer has so much more to offer. As shopping experts, we spend our days searching the site and noting exactly what's selling. Ahead we curated a list of the 35 hottest products flying off the shelves right now, so all you have to do is shop. From sofas to kitchen gadgets, no doubt it will be hard to leave without a couple bestselling picks in your shopping cart. Take a look.

These 10 Shades of White Paint Are Anything but Ordinary

Think all white paints are created equal? Think again! Just as there are way more than just 50 shades of gray, there are a slew of timeless white hues to choose from to brighten up your home. White might feel risky - you definitely don't want your rooms to feel bare or sterile - but there are actually several subtle shades that can add as much warmth or coolness as you like, depending on your preference. From paper white to pearly white, check out the gallery for the most popular shades of white paint that can totally transform your space.

Beer Candy, Anyone? These Jelly Beans Are All About Flavor - Without Any of the Alcohol!

Just when we thought you'd seen every flavor of jelly bean imaginable, we find out that Jelly Belly has been selling entire cans of beer-flavored jelly beans - and they're nonalcoholic! That's right, you can have your beer flavor (and candy) without any hangover symptoms. Each Draft Beer Jelly Bean 1.75-ounce can ($5) is filled with five small bags of jelly beans, which have a shimmery finish that mimics a bubbly, freshly poured look. So cool!

You can also mix up a fun "drink" in your mouth with any combination of jelly beans you like. Jelly Belly recommends eating two draft beer beans with one peach-flavored bean for a summery sangria taste, or swapping the peach for a red apple jelly bean to recreate the flavors of an apple shandy. If you're feeling really adventurous, try two draft beer beans with a lemon-lime bean and a Tabasco jelly bean for a candy-based Michelada in your mouth. The possibilities are endless.

Keep reading for a glimpse at the beer-flavored jelly beans and for a look at how to open the (reusable!) faux beer can.

The Best and Easiest Way to Store Ginger

Ginger has become a staple on our grocery list. It's good for health benefits, like in tea or soup, and it's delicious in meals, like in a stir-fry or salad. But after using ginger for some time, I discovered that it became difficult to keep the ginger root, which is usually sold in very large pieces, fresh for long periods of time. We never used the entire thing in one meal, and after a lot of trial and error, I found the best (and easiest) way to store ginger both before and after it is sliced: put it in the fridge.

First, I buy ginger root that's firm, smooth, and unwrinkled. Then I put it in an air-tight plastic bag, squeezing all of the extra air out of it, and place it into the crisper basket in our refrigerator. I've found that this works far better than simply placing the whole root inside the refrigerator without covering it at all or even leaving it on the kitchen counter. Covering within a plastic bag will allow it to stay fresh for weeks at a time and not dry out - until you peel it that is.

Once you peel the ginger root, its shelf-life drastically reduces. But blotting any wetness from the cut or peeled root with a paper towel and then placing it back into the same air-tight bag will preserve its freshness for longer. You may get one or two extra weeks out of the root after it's already been cut.

This Is the Best Way to Store Garlic For Maximum Freshness

Garlic is one of my favorite ingredients to cook with. It brings all flavors in a dish to life and can be used in so many different kinds of meals. But I have had some difficulty in storing the stinky white bulbs. Sometimes when I would leave them out in a basket, let's say with some bananas, weird green thorns would bulge out of the garlic sooner than I'd like. Or worse, they'd get soft. So, what's the best way to store garlic for maximum freshness? In the refrigerator or in an dark, cool area.

When storing garlic, make sure that no sunlight is beaming in on them and that it's not too warm. It's also smart to leave them somewhere where they get good circulation, otherwise they'll spoil sooner. But the one way I like to store my garlic to last the longest is by simply placing them in the refrigerator. I often leave them in the little mesh bag they come in or place them in a small plastic bag. The coolness of the refrigerator helps the garlic stay fresher longer - up to weeks at a time.

This way to store is helpful because then I can buy my garlic in bulk, making it easy for me to grab when I feel the need to whip up some fresh salsa or spaghetti sauce. Wasting any type of food drives me crazy, especially garlic because I use it so often. So, by placing them in the refrigerator, it helps them stay fresher longer, giving me plenty of time to use them in my favorite recipes.

The Most Unexpectedly Beautiful Place to Put Wallpaper? Your Ceiling

You may still be coming around to the idea of statement wallpaper or temporary wallpaper, but we've got an even crazier idea for you: wallpaper on the ceiling. Think about it: decorating opportunities are often only limited to four walls, and adding some color and texture to your ceiling will allow you to make a major impact on your entire space. Sure, you could paint your ceiling, but unless you have serious artistic skills, the only way to get a cool pattern is with some gorgeous paper. Check out the gallery for rooms that will inspire you to think outside the box.

My Boyfriend and I Almost Broke Up Over Household Chores - Here's How We Finally Made It Work

When my boyfriend and I first moved in together, I made it clear that I was not some magical cleaning fairy that would wash the dishes and vacuum the carpet whenever dirt would appear. We were now sharing the same space, and I expected both of us to pull our weight and our chores to be split evenly and fairly. But not long after we settled into our place, I found myself constantly following him around, picking up the dirty clothing he carelessly dropped on the floor. That quickly turned into me resenting my partner, shrugging off his affectionate advances, and grumbling under my breath constantly.

My boyfriend isn't insensitive to other people's needs, but now that I'm a bit calmer after the dust (pun intended) has settled, I can admit that there were definitely things I did wrong, too. I left water on the bathroom floor when I got out of the shower, which drove him nuts and to which I'd respond, "You care about that, but you can't pick your dirty clothes up?" Eventually we both realized we had habits that needed to change if this was going to work.

The reason some people seem helpless when it comes to housework isn't because they consciously believe their partner will do it. Subconsciously, once habits have been ingrained, many people often just don't "see" what needs to be done. There's even some evidence that messiness is in our DNA! I was raised in a home where clutter was an absolute no-no. However, I had a bathroom to myself when I was younger and almost never had to answer for my splashy showers since the water had often dried up before my mom ever saw it (the mold was a different story).

But back to our new apartment. If there was one thing that got us through this difficult period, it was compromise. We calmly and reasonably discussed how we both worked the same eight hours each day, therefore, we should divide the housework more evenly. We attempted splitting the chores up 50/50. My boyfriend readily agreed to the responsibility of running the recycling to the sorting center twice weekly, vacuuming the carpets, sweeping off the front and back porches, and - yes - picking clothes up off the floor.

I handled the daily counter wipe downs, mopping two to three times per week, and cleaning the bathrooms weekly. We also agreed upon hanging a white board on the kitchen refrigerator with a list of housework we wanted done, as well as by when, and I must admit, having the sign right there in front of us every time we reached into the fridge for a soda helped a lot.

Another big piece of advice I have for new couples moving in together is to consider downsizing your home and belongings. Having less space to clean makes it that much easier to tackle, and having less stuff to pack, unpack, and dust off is a huge win during this new and often stressful time period.

We bonded and opened up a lot to each other during this time period as well. He let me know that my penchant for perfection made him feel incompetent, and my constant "my way or the highway" mentality made him feel like no attempts to please me were ever good enough. It was equally important that I work on changing myself as well. I had to let go of the comfort I had established while living in my own element for so long. During this trial-and-error period, I learned what mattered to him in a clean home, as he did with me. I also had to learn to show appreciation for what he did do, instead of constantly focusing on what had yet to be done. He did the same.

You learn to pick your battles, because, let's face it, learning to live with another person isn't easy. Ever. However, living together as a couple is a lot different than living with a roommate. There's a vested interest on both ends to make it work, which is a positive. But a potential negative is that there's also a comfort with a partner that will probably be a bit different than what you had with your roommate in college. It's easier to jump to anger and say things you don't mean with someone you're more comfortable with. Understanding this was the first step to fixing our daily interactions at home.

Those who find themselves in a similar situation may want to try the following:

  • Focus on positive praise, not negative criticisms.
  • Communicate openly about what's needed from your partner.
  • Address feelings of resentment immediately - bottling up feelings leads to contempt, which murders love.
  • Learn to let the little things go - as in, prioritize.

Is my relationship with my boyfriend now perfect? Of course not. No relationship is. But have my boyfriend and I mastered the art of compromise? I think so. Every relationship involves both give and take, and spending less than five minutes weekly wiping up the bathroom floor is a bit of labor I don't find at all burdensome if it means not finding his shirts all over the bedroom floor. Communication and appreciation kept our relationship alive during this transitional time, and our bond is now stronger than ever.

Keep Your Instant Pot Handy, Because You'll Want to Make Every 1 of These Low-Carb Soups

The Instant Pot is a lifesaver. There's no quicker way to whip up dinner than to pop it in your pressure cooker, and preparing meals at home is essential when you're trying to lose weight, especially on a low-carb plan. While the Instant Pot is great for making pasta and rice, there are plenty of other dishes to try, including low-carb soups. They're perfect for Instant Pot beginners, and while some consider soups an appetizer, we're adamant that they can be the whole damn meal. The ones here, ranging from classic French onion to a hearty bean soup with pesto, are filling and flavorful. Get your spoon ready.

A Doctor Explains Why You Can't Stop Eating Those Crunchy, Salty Chips on Your Period

If there's anything that's synonymous with your period, it's cravings. When that time of the month comes, you just want foooood, whether that's sweets or snacks of the crispy, salty variety. But have you ever wondered why?

"Food cravings tend to occur due to biochemical changes related to the menstrual cycle," Oluwakemi M. Edokpayi, MD, an ob-gyn at Northwestern Medicine, told POPSUGAR. "Hormones, such as serotonin, decrease when menses start. These decreases can change your mood, making you crave certain foods. And when you eat certain foods, serotonin and dopamine can be released, thus improving your mood."

And while it can seem like you're drawn to salt-laden foods specifically (mmm, fries), these cravings - even the sweet ones, like chocolate and ice cream - tend to have one thing in common: carbs.

"I find that women crave carbs more than salt specifically," Dr. Edokpayi said. "One theory for the craving is that carbs can restore the serotonin level that has decreased, improving overall mood. And this may apply to salty foods as well."

Dr. Edokpayi assured us that cravings are a very normal and temporary side effect of your period, but if you find that you're eating a lot of junk, it may make you feel worse. In that case, she said, "Try choosing healthier options to snack on - like fruits and nuts - and try other options like exercise and meditation." "Make sure you increase your water intake and get adequate sleep as well."

If You're a Runner, These 21 Genius Products From Amazon Are Calling Your Name

Running sounds easy, right? But it's more than just going outside and taking off. You'll want to make sure you have supportive shoes for your feet and a place to store your keys, phone, and so on. To help you get fully fitted for your next run, we uncovered the 21 coolest running products on Amazon. From leggings to water bottles, no doubt they'll improve your workouts. Keep scrolling to shop our favorites.

Lisa Bonet's Arms Stole the Show at the GOT Premiere - Here's 10 Exercises to Do For Sculpted Arms

While everyone was gushing over Jason Momoa at the Game of Thrones season eight premiere in NYC on April 3, I was captivated by Lisa Bonet. I could write an entire dissertation as to why I love her, but I'll save that for a later date. I'll also leave the beauty and fashion breakdown for our respective verticals, but damn, are we really not going to acknowledge how great her arms looked on the red carpet?

From her sculpted shoulders to her amazing biceps and triceps, I'm definitely filing these pictures under "goals." If you suddenly have the urge to start doing more upper-body workouts, I totally understand. I already have plans to do one tomorrow morning. In the meantime, if your goal is to build muscle in your arms like Lisa's, these are the 10 exercises you should add to your workout routine ASAP. P.S.: don't do all 10 exercises at once. Instead, choose three to four paired with three to four lower-body exercises to make a workout.

This Game of Thrones-Themed Workout Game Will Get You in Battle-Ready Shape

Watching Game of Thrones can be pretty stressful, which makes it exactly the kind of show that would pair well with a glass of wine and some munchies (so you don't gnaw your fingernails during the many, many tense scenes). But we've got a better idea. Your heart rate is probably already elevated from waiting on pins and needles to see what the next twist is, so why not take advantage?

We've created a Game of Thrones workout game to take your Sunday night viewing to the next level. Here's how it works: each time one of the listed events happens in any given episode, do the corresponding move. Winter may have arrived on Game of Thrones, but Summer is almost here in real life - so get toned and burn calories while the last few episodes of the epic drama unfold.

Ready to get started? Read on for our official Game of Thrones live-watching workout challenge, and print it off to have it handy for each of the final six episodes!

  1. During the title sequence: wall sit for one minute
  2. Jon Snow broods: 5 push-ups
  3. Someone tears up but doesn't actually cry: 20 bicycles
  4. A dead character is mentioned: 15 calf raises
  5. Ominous music starts a scene: 10 jumping jacks
  6. There's a battle scene: hold a side plank for 30 seconds
  7. A plan goes badly wrong: hold a 45-second plank
  8. There's dragons and/or dragon symbolism: run in place for 30 seconds
  9. Someone talks about The Wall: 10 mountain climbers
  10. A new character has a normal name but spelled weirdly: 10 push-ups
  11. There's a callback to an earlier season: 10 lunges
  12. Someone dies: 15 squats
  13. Someone dies in a particularly gruesome way: 10 Russian twists
  14. Bran says or sees something mysterious: 5 tuck jumps
  15. Flashback scene: 10 burpees
  16. Arya or Brienne kicks someone's butt: 20 crunches
  17. Cersei smirks: 15 sit-ups
  18. Magic is responsible for something: 5 jumping jacks
  19. A family tree gets even more complicated: 10 reverse lunges
  20. Tyrion makes a joke: hold a 20-second plank

Not Eating Fish? These Seeds Have the Most Omega-3s - Plus, Tasty Ways to Eat Them

OK, so talking about the health benefits of omega-3s isn't exactly the sexiest, most exciting topic, but you need them! Aside from reducing inflammation, helping to raise your HDL (the good!) cholesterol levels, and improving your overall heart health, getting your fill of omega-3 fatty acids can also fight depression and anxiety.

The National Institutes of Health recommends women 19 to 50 years old get 1.1 grams of omega-3s per day. While fish is an excellent source, if you're vegan or vegetarian, you can also get omega-3s from seeds.

1 ounce of seed (28 grams) Omega-3s
Chia 4.9 grams
Flaxseed (ground) 6.4 grams
Hemp hearts 12 grams

Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds offer the most omega-3s out of all seeds. Here are some ways to add them to your diet:

If Your Mind Wanders While Meditating, an Expert Says to Follow This Technique to Refocus

Every time one of my friends brings up their meditation practice, I quickly reply with something along the lines of, "I wish I could do it, but I can't focus." I know that meditation isn't about perfection, but being type A, it's hard for me to do something if I'm not "perfect" at it. Lately, meditation keeps popping up in my circle, from badass friends who are constantly hustling to my sheroes like Robin Roberts meditating every day at three-something in the morning, according to an interview with The Cut.

I figured if Robin Roberts can wake up that early every morning and commit to a meditation practice, I, too, could wake up (a little later) and get my meditation on. I'm still a meditation rookie, but one thing I found helpful when my mind wanders, which is basically every minute, is mental noting. "Mental noting, or labeling, is a mindful awareness technique of noting and naming the thoughts and feelings that come up as you meditate," Millana Snow, meditation teacher, energy healer, and founder of Wellness Official, told POPSUGAR.

"When your mind starts to go off into tangents, you can use mental noting to bring pause and awareness to those thoughts so that you can start to unidentify with them and become the observer of those thoughts and feelings." If you find your mind wondering, make note of it - "I'm thinking about the big pitch I have on Friday" - then return to the present.

Every time my mind drifts and I find myself wondering what I'm going to eat later that day, thinking about how many clients I have to train, planning a trip to Colombia, combing my never-ending to-do list, and every other random thought that comes up, I revert back to mental noting. Some days, I have to do it a lot, but other days, I only have to do it once or twice during my practice.

If you're already going, "Yeah, I still won't be able to do this," I promise you, you will. When I catch myself thinking about everything else instead of being in the present, I practice mental noting by focusing on my breath while thinking, "Breathing in, breathing out." When Millana finds her mind drifting, she said she reminds herself to "'come back to my breath' or come back to noting what the moment contains: the sounds in the room, the smells, and the way my body feels. I find this helps me go deeper into awareness," she explained.

The key word in "practice mental noting" is practice. "We must allow ourselves to be the observer of our thoughts, and to watch thoughts pass by like you would clouds in the sky," Millana said. She also recommends noting and naming your thoughts "instead of identifying with them and making them distractions." The key is to become more present and separate the thought from yourself.

If you gave up on your meditation practice before starting because you thought focus would be an issue, try introducing mental noting into your practice.

14 Cute and Comfy Workout Clothes For Curvy Women - All Under $30

If you're on the hunt for new workout clothes, Walmart may not be the first place that comes to mind, but the retailer has many impressive fitness finds. The best part: the selection comes with tons of choices and a wide range of sizes. To make shopping even easier, we curated a list of the best picks you need for your next sweat session. Everything is under $30, so maybe you can get it all! Keep scrolling to shop our favorites.

14 of the Cutest, Most Affordable Fitness Gear We Could Find on the Internet

Whether you're a fitness beginner or a full-on athlete, never underestimate the power of great workout gear. Having cute leggings, supportive sports bras, and the right water bottle acts as extra motivation to keep you moving and focused. So we scoured Macy's and found 14 workout essentials that we want immediately. The best part? They're all under $65!

These Brides Said "I Do" to Healthier Habits Before Their Weddings, and You Need to See Their Weight-Loss Transformations

Looking and feeling the best you can on your wedding day is what every bride wishes. From their dress to their hair and makeup look, brides-to-be can perfect their big day appearances months in advance. That's also true when it comes to a bride's weight and wedding dress size, if they so choose to change that. Many women have weight-loss goals before their big day, and their hard work and dedication pays off in more ways than one.

We found some of the best pre-wedding transformations that will leave you in awe, and have you saying "I do" to healthier lifestyle changes, too.

Beyoncé and Adidas Are Teaming Up: "This Is the Partnership of a Lifetime For Me"

Beyoncé has found a new workout partner. Following her activewear brand's split from Topshop in 2018, it's just been announced that Ivy Park will relaunch with Adidas. Beyoncé will also serve as a creative partner for Adidas. The (inevitably) lucrative collaboration will involve both fitness apparel and footwear.

"This is the partnership of a lifetime for me."

"This is the partnership of a lifetime for me," Beyoncé said in a statement. "Adidas has had tremendous success in pushing creative boundaries. We share a philosophy that puts creativity, growth, and social responsibility at the forefront of business. I look forward to re-launching and expanding Ivy Park on a truly global scale with a proven, dynamic leader."

Beyoncé first announced Ivy Park in 2014 and launched the first collection with Topshop in 2016. Following allegations of sexual and racial abuse against Topshop chairman Philip Green, however, Beyoncé attained sole ownership of the brand, making way for the Adidas partnership. See the initial announcement ahead.

Here's How I Stay Fit Without Spending Hundreds of Dollars on a Gym Membership

It's no secret that high-end gym memberships can cost way more than many are willing or able to spend. Between initiation fees and monthly membership dues, the amount you hand over to your gym annually can creep up into the thousands and start to feel more like a second rent. Not to mention that some gyms come with more perks than others, which can really affect what you are even getting out of your membership.

Not willing to fork over $100 or more per month for a gym membership that I may or may not use, I decided to put together a workout plan that costs next to nothing. The best part? If I miss a few days I don't feel guilty or like I'm throwing my money away. Read ahead for some of my tips on how to stay fit while keeping your spending in check.

"Try to Speak Your Truth": Aly Raisman Wants to Empower People With Her New Aerie Collection

Two-time Olympic-gymnast-turned-activist Aly Raisman became an Aerie Role Model last year. To mark her induction into a group of influential women - Yara Shahidi, Rachel Platten, and Iskra Lawrence - she created an iconic swimsuit with the word "survivor" across the chest. Proceeds from the sale of this one-piece went to Darkness to Light, a nonprofit with a mission to train adults on preventing, recognizing, and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse. Today, Aly launched a new Aerie activewear capsule collection that once again supports Darkness to Light because, she told POPSUGAR, she truly supports its efforts.

Aerie will donate up to $75,000 of proceeds to Darkness to Light to help finance its Flip the Switch campaign, a free two-hour course that trains adults in youth sports on child sexual abuse prevention. "I hope one day we get to a point where no adult is allowed to step foot in any sporting event unless they've been educated on how to prevent child sexual abuse or really any kind of abuse whether it's emotional, physical, verbal, anything," Aly told POPSUGAR ahead of the Aerie launch.

The 24-year-old has been outspoken about this pressing issue ever since she came forward about her own past abuse from former USA Gymnastics and Michigan State doctor Larry Nassar. She and more than 150 others, many of whom were treated by Nassar as young gymnasts, gave victim impact statements at a seven-day hearing in January 2018. Nassar was then sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison. Aly told us that she believes in Darkness to Light's cause so much that she signs every single completed training certificate.

The Aerie x Aly Raisman collection features nine pieces - sports bras and bralettes, leggings, and tank tops - many of which are emblazoned with empowering phrases including "unapologetically me," "unstoppable," "trust yourself," and more. "I think as women, we always feel so much pressure to apologize even if we didn't do anything wrong," Aly said. This is something she admits she's still working on. "Trust yourself" goes along with being unapologetic, she explained, meaning you should "try to speak your truth."

When asked how exactly she speaks her truth, Aly was quick to say she isn't perfect and there are some times where she catches herself feeling nervous to speak up. When it comes to advocating for more child sexual abuse prevention and education, especially as it pertains to USA Gymnastics and its investigation into the hundreds of survivors who accused Nassar of abuse, "that's so much bigger than me, where I kind of feel this responsibility to do something bigger than myself. But when I'm speaking up privately about something for myself, it's harder to do that. And I'm learning to find that balance."

Aly wants people wearing her line to feel "powerful and confident and strong and really just a lot of self-love from within." Everyone, she pointed out, is battling something. "Everyone knows what it feels like to go through a hard time. So, I just want them to know that they're going to get through it, and there's a light at the end of the tunnel." Ahead, check out a sneak peak of the Aerie x Aly Raisman capsule collection, ranging in prices from $25 to $50. You can find these empowering pieces at select Aerie stores and starting today until inventory runs out. You'll definitely want to.

If you are interested in completing a training through Darkness to Light, head over to

Use This Healthy Meal Prep Shopping List to Simplify Your Next Grocery Store Run

Feeling overwhelmed by the mere idea of meal prep? Sit tight, sister. We've got you! Washing, chopping, tossing, baking, blending, portioning, and freezing are all enough work on their own, so use our trusty grocery store guide and shopping checklist to make your trip to the supermarket a breeze. We'll guide you through produce, protein, the frozen section, and beyond to ensure you have every single thing you need in the kitchen to prep your menu for the week. Not sure what to make? We have meal prep recipes for you, too.

You'll start with the produce section, stocking up on essential fruits, veggies, and pre-chopped staples. Then you'll move your way into the center aisles for grains, spices, and sauces. Finally, you'll wrap up with the chilled and frozen selections (saving the coldest for last!), so everything stays fresh on your journey back to the kitchen. Check it out.

These Are the 43 Bodyweight Exercises Women Need For Strong, Chiseled Abs

Wherever you are, you can get a crazy-intense ab-burning session. Just choose three to five of these moves to create your own bodyweight ab-firing workout. There are tons of variations, so choose the ones you like or the ones that are hardest - your abs will get so strong and toned, no equipment required!

This Is Your Biggest Weight-Loss Obstacle, an RD Says - and It's Not About Food

Not to state the obvious, but losing weight is hard. No matter what way you go about it - diet, exercise, (or ideally) a combination of both - achieving any weight goal is going to take dedication, willpower, and probably some sacrifices along the way. But according to registered dietitian Audra Wilson, RD, LD, bariatric dietitian at the Northwestern Medicine Metabolic Health and Surgical Weight Loss Center at Delnor Hospital, the biggest thing standing in the way of your weight loss goals isn't overeating, giving into a food craving, or failing to exercise (though those probably won't help). In fact, she says, it's all mental.

"The biggest obstacle for a lot of people is thinking that weight loss is going to happen really fast," Audra told POPSUGAR. Going hand in hand with that, she added, is thinking you won't have to change your current habits to see results. These are both unrealistic expectations, Audra explained, and they can hurt you in a few ways.

Thinking that the weight will come off quickly leads you to look for quick, temporary fixes. Audra said, "You might think, 'Well, I'm going to cut calories for a month and that should be good,'" then immediately revert to your old unhealthy habits. That won't keep the weight off in the long-term, she explained. Long-term success won't come from on-again, off-again diets or fitness plans, but from "really making healthy changes a part of your lifestyle."

Expecting to lose weight quickly also sets you up for disappointment, which can lead you to give up your healthy habits before they have a chance to to take effect. It's understandable; when you don't see results by the time you think you should, it's tempting to just throw in the towel. "It's not working anyway, so why bother?" In reality, losing weight simply takes time. Fully committing to a healthy diet and regular exercise will help you see results, but it won't happen overnight.

"You have to be ready," Audra said. "You have to wrap your head around the fact that your life is going to look different." You may not need to make drastic lifestyle changes, but you will have to make changes that you can stick to for the long-term. They won't be easy - because, again, losing weight isn't easy. But going in with the knowledge that it'll take time and commitment can prepare you for what's to come, help you stay the course when things get tough, and give you the strength to fully commit to a healthy lifestyle.

What to Know Before You Take Your First Ride at SoulCycle, Including the Price

Grab some SoulCycle gear because it's time to clip in. If you've somehow managed not to try this Spin workout yet, we've got all the details you need to remedy that immediately. Here's your first tip: this class does wonders for your health and, well, your soul. It's a high-intensity cardio workout that will tone your body from top to bottom while lifting your spirits. Here's all you need to know before adding SoulCycle to your routine, including how much a class will cost you.

What Is SoulCycle?

SoulCycle is the Spin class everyone is always talking about, with its signature yellow bikes and grapefruit-scented studios. No, really - the scent is a thing. The classes themselves are like any other Spin class, in that it's a 45-minute workout that's high on cardio while you sprint through flatlands and climb hills. It's also well-loved by many a celebrity, including Katie Holmes and Lea Michele.

What Is a Typical SoulCycle Class Like?

SoulCycle is less competitive than other Spin classes. You're riding for the workout, not to beat the other riders in the class or even yourself. In fact, SoulCycle encourages the class to ride as one team to accomplish a goal together. It doesn't focus on the numbers as much as the journey. You're in a dim (and well-scented!) room surrounded by your fellow riders. The pounding music narrates the warmup, the sprints and climbs, an arm workout, and a cooldown and stretching session. SoulCycle throws a little more choreography and coordination into your workout, though, unlike some other Spin classes you might have tried. You'll do push-ups on your bike handlebars and tap it back to the beat of your soundtrack.

How Much Do SoulCycle Classes Cost?

Prices vary by region, but there's one thing you'll find everywhere: a deal on your first class, with some cities offering a deeper discount than others. In New York, your first class is $25. One regular class will cost you $36 or you can buy a variety of class packs, including a 10-pack for $340. In Los Angeles and Florida, your first class is just $20. A single class is $30 and a 10-pack is $265. In Chicago, your first class is $20, one class is $32, and a 10-pack is $280. You can find all the price breakdowns on the SoulCycle website.

What Else Do I Need to Know?

SoulCycle is one of those workouts that once you start going, you kinda can't stop, so be prepared for that! There are also studios all over the US and Canada so you can find your Soul no matter where you might be.

Wondering If You Should Invest in a Self-Cleaning Water Bottle? We Asked a Germ Expert

You know the stench: the one your water bottle gets after sitting for far too long at your desk or in your car. But you may not realize that it smells that way because bottles are magnets for bacteria.

"The types of bacteria you'll find on a water bottle come from your hands or your mouth. There's a wide variety that can stick and grow, and a lot like to grow in places that are moist," Christine McDonald, Ph.D., a microbiologist at the Cleveland Clinic, told POPSUGAR. These bacteria can range from E. coli to staphylococcus aureus, all of which can make you really sick, often with gastrointestinal symptoms.

For that reason, it's really important that you clean your water bottle regularly, ideally after every use. Since that can be a hassle, you might wonder if self-cleaning bottles are all they're cracked up to be. You've likely seen Instagram ads for what claims to be the first ever self-cleaning bottle that "neutralizes up to 99.9999% of harmful, odor-causing bacteria using UV-C light."

So, how does it work? "UV light is used in hospitals to disinfect surfaces," Dr. McDonald explained. "It disinfects by using a certain wavelength of concentrated light that fragments the DNA of bacteria and kills them. It can be very effective."

However, since the UV light source is in a bottle's cap, Dr. McDonald is skeptical that it can clean the bottom of the bottle as effectively as the top, especially if there's still water inside. "Another part to consider is you'll still need to clean the top where you're going to be drinking from, since the UV light is not going to be hitting where your mouth touches on the outside," she said.

So, whether or not a self-cleaning bottle is worth the splurge is entirely up to you. If you prefer to spend a little less, Dr. McDonald recommends a copper bottle. "Historically, the best water containers are copper, because copper itself is antimicrobial," she said.

Whatever you choose, be sure to clean it effectively. "If a water bottle is dishwasher safe, that's the easiest and most effective way to clean it, since water gets so hot in dishwasher," Dr. McDonald said. "Or, soak your water bottle in 10 percent bleach for 10 to 15 minutes."

I Swapped My Down Duvet For the Buffy Comforter, and My Bed Just Became My New Best Friend

In my seemingly never-ending quest to create a sleep oasis in my bedroom - from blackout curtains to sleep-inducing potions, linen sheets, and a Casper mattress - I decided to try out the much-hyped Buffy comforter, and all I can say is: bye, forever, down duvet.

The eco-friendly, sustainably made Buffy comforter has a lot going for it on paper. The moisture-wicking and temperature-regulating fabric is made from eucalyptus fibers, which according to the brand uses 10 times less water, and the filling is made from recycled plastic bottles, which have been diverted from landfills. It's also free of harmful chemicals; hypoallergenic; and hyper-resistant to microbes, mites, and allergens.

This all sounds great, but would it live up to the "silky-soft" hype? Would I really feel like I'm sleeping under a cloud? At the same time that I was debating swapping my feather-down duvet, Buffy reached out to see if we'd like to test out the comforter for review purposes. Ahead, here are my honest thoughts a few weeks in on whether it's as wonderful as it sounds.

This Fruity Pebbles Pretzel Rod Is One of the Most Popular Things at Bing Bong's Sweet Stuff

Bing Bong's Sweet Stuff at Disneyland's California Adventure is home to, well, a ton of sweet stuff, but one thing you can't miss is the Milk and Cereal Pretzel Rod. It's one of the most popular items to order at the quick-stop shop for obvious reasons, and there are four ingredients that make it irresistible: a salty pretzel rod, white chocolate, caramel, and Fruity Pebbles. It definitely bears resemblance to the other popular stick-shaped treat all over the Disney parks, but the crunchy pretzel rod is a fun, unexpected twist. People have been snagging this snack at Bing Bong's for months, so if you've yet to try it, add it to your list. Blogger Disney Hungry even has a copycat recipe that's easy to make at home if a Disneyland trip isn't in your near future. It's definitely one of the best things to eat at Pixar Pier.

Dunkin' Donuts's New Coffee-Flavored Beer Combines All of Our Favortie Drinks in 1 Can

Good news, coffee enthusiasts! Dunkin' Donuts knows you love your morning cup, but it also knows that sometimes you just want to crack open an ice-cold beer - and it just released the best of both worlds. Following the release of its Harpoon Dunkin' Coffee Porter in 2018, the coffee chain has partnered with Harpoon Brewery again to bring us the Harpoon Dunkin' Summer Coffee Pale Ale.

"I just depleted the last of my private stash of Harpoon Dunkin' Coffee Porter the other day, so, selfishly, the timing on this launch couldn't be better," Dan Kenary, Harpoon's cofounder and CEO, said in a press release. "We ended last year's baseball season with the intro of Harpoon Dunkin' Coffee Porter, and we're excited to begin this season with the release of our Summer Coffee Pale Ale. Most importantly, it's a delicious beer - hoppy and vibrant with a nice coffee character."

Just in time for the warmer months ahead, the new coffee-flavored pale ale - inspired by Dunkin's beloved iced coffee - is perfectly portable and tastes best chilled. Currently available through the end of the Summer, the drink can be found on tap and in select retail locations across the Eastern US. Each 12-ounce can has a five percent ABV and pairs well with chipotle chicken tacos (per Harpoon's suggestion) or just a boozy brunch with friends. If it tastes as good as it sounds, then we need to get our hands on a can ASAP. Enjoy the seasonal drink while it lasts!

15 Area Rugs That Cost Under $200 on Amazon, but Look Triple the Price

In the last year I've spent tons of money redecorating my old city apartment. The thing I hated the most was the ugly brown carpet my landlord refuses to replace. To brighten up my space I knew I needed a great area rug. I was shocked at how expensive the options were, so I turned to Amazon and was amazed by its selection. The site is filled with an array of beautiful and cozy picks at affordable price points - you just have to know where to look. I did the hard work for you and uncovered its 15 best finds for less than $200. Keep scrolling to shop my favorites.

30 Stylish Furniture Pieces Customers Can't Stop Buying - For Less Than $250

If you're ready to give your home an update with new furniture, there's no need to overspend. Thanks to the internet, it's easier than ever to shop both affordable and stylish finds, but the hunt can be hard work. So, we made it easy and curated a list of the 30 hottest picks for the absolute best prices. From dresses to beds and even sofas, you'll be shocked by these finds. Keep scrolling to shop and get yours before they're gone.

42 Bite-Size Easter Appetizers Everybody Will Devour

Hosting people for Easter this year? You're going to need some good food, and these bite-size appetizers are perfect for springtime entertaining. With 42 recipes, including mini smoked salmon toast, spicy deviled eggs, and individual hummus and crudités cups, you're sure to find a few that speak to you and your guests (no matter how picky they might be). Keep reading to see them all now, and happy baking!

7 Updates You Can Make to Your Apartment That Can Easily Be Removed When You Leave

Renting can be great. You're able to move apartments frequently depending on your lease (and how happy you are with your space), you can try out new neighborhoods, and you also don't have to worry about added responsibilities like mortgages and homeowner's insurance. However, one of the popular downfalls to renting is that you may not be able to update or renovate your space as you wish. Those ugly cabinets? They can't go anywhere. That outdated countertop? Staying.

Despite this, there are a handful of ways you can "update" or change your rental to make it more your style. And the best part? These hacks are not only simple and affordable but also removable, so you don't have to say goodbye to your security deposit. So when you leave, so can these updates. Keep reading for some ideas you can try out today!

How Long Can You Store Eggs? Longer Than You Think . . .

It happens to the best of us. You buy "fresh" eggs, only to find out that your expensive, organic, cage-free, brown eggs are past their sell-by date. But don't trash them just yet, because you can probably still use them! Raw, shelled eggs typically last three weeks after their sell-by date when properly refrigerated and four to five weeks after their packing date when properly refrigerated.

Boiling or cracking eggs shortens their shelf life, with boiled eggs lasting about a week. This is because eggshells, which are highly porous, have a thin coating of mineral oil that seals and protects the egg. Boiling them washes away this protective sealing, leaving the shell susceptible to bacterial contamination. Once you peel these eggs, you should eat them the same day. After cracking them, raw, whole eggs have to be eaten within two days. Egg whites stored on their own can last up to four days, but yolks have to be used within two days.

If your eggs are reaching the end of their shelf life and you just want to really be sure, you can always check the freshness with a water test. Just take a cold glass or bowl of water, and gently place the egg into the cup. If the egg sinks, it's fresh and safe to eat. If it floats, then the egg has spoiled.

If you need to significantly extend their shelf life, consider freezing your eggs. Frozen whole eggs, yolks, and whites can be frozen for up to a year. But be aware that egg yolks thicken when frozen. To slow this process, beat in either 1/8 teaspoon salt or 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar for every four yolks. While you may encounter some slight changes in texture and preparation, they will still be edible.

Now that you know how long you can store your eggs, check out these delicious egg recipes for breakfast, lunch, and - yes - even dinner.

These Are Amazon's 5 Most Popular Bed Frames - See Why Customers Love Them

If you're looking to spruce up your bedroom this Spring, start by investing in a new bed frame. Not only do they offer support for your mattress, but they also add style your room. To make sure you find the best match, we turned to Amazon because the site features so many great choices, and you can read customer testimonials. We did the hard work for you and uncovered the five highest-rated picks that reviewers love. Keep scrolling to check out these hot finds and see which one is your favorite.

7 Stunning Vanities We Found Hiding on Amazon - For Less Than $150

Having the perfect vanity can make getting ready so much more enjoyable. Not only does the setup look cute in your room, but it also helps you keep your favorite products more organized. To save you both time and money, we've hunted down the absolute best finds on Amazon that won't break the bank. The best parts: they'll be delivered right to your door, and they all cost less than $150. What else could you ask for? Keep scrolling to find your match.

Related: 32 Space-Saving Furniture Pieces That Will Totally Reorganize Your Tiny Home

Yes, You Should Be Washing Your Walls, and Here's How to Do It

Let's be honest - it can get pretty tough to keep your walls looking totally clean at every moment. Whether you have rambunctious pets or children who like to use the walls as a coloring book, a "less than pristine" look is inevitable. For me, I live in a big city with two energetic cats, so I always feel like my apartment walls are constantly collecting dust or showing marks. But thankfully, walls can easily be cleaned. The secret, however, is learning exactly how to as to not damage the paint.

To help learn the best ways to clean the walls inside your home, POPSUGAR spoke with Michael Nungesser, Owner of Five Star Painting of Central Georgia, a Neighborly company. Nungesser explains that the first thing you should do before cleaning your walls is something you may not have thought of - dust. "Before you dive into wall washing, be sure to get rid of the dust bunnies," says Nungesser. You can easily do this by running the dust brush attachment from your vacuum over both ceilings and walls. "This step in itself may yield a dramatically brighter appearance of your paint color," he adds.

The next step is to figure out what kind of paint your walls may have, as different paint jobs call for different cleaning techniques. "Types of paint that hold up the best during cleaning are semi-gloss and glossy enamel paints," explains Nungesser. "However, flat, satin, and eggshell latex paints may not do so well depending on the quality of paint that was applied - there is a risk of the color fading or rubbing off with overly abrasive wall washing." Nungesser says that if you already know you have a "trouble type" of paint, you should either consider putting on a new coat or hiring a professional wall cleaner to do the job. If you're not positive what type of paint you have, the best thing you can do is test clean a small section, using a simple solution of water on a cellulose sponge, before taking on the whole place. "If you notice any smudging or color fading, stop immediately," says Nungesser. "If the spot is clean, continue the water and sponge technique across the whole wall."

Sometimes, however, you may notice that you need something stronger to get the job done. If your walls still aren't looking and feeling squeaky clean, try using either a mixture of warm water and mild detergent soap, or a combination of 1 cup ammonia, 1/2 cup vinegar, and 1/4 cup baking soda to one gallon of warm water. Nungesser also advises to clean in gentle, circular motions to minimize the risk of stripping the paint and to protect your floors from drips by placing down newspaper or old towels.

20 Stunning Pictures of Earth That Will Make You Appreciate This Stellar Little Planet

When we're so wrapped up in our busy lives, scrolling through social media feeds or reading another devastating headline, it's easy to get caught up in our own small corners of the world. There's a lot of beauty to be found, though, and sometimes it takes zooming out to see the whole picture to remember that. And by zooming out, we mean literally! We've assembled 20 of the most gorgeous pictures of Earth taken from way out in space that will give you a little perspective whenever things feel a little heavy. So, take a break from your busy schedule and look through these pictures of the incredibly gorgeous planet we call home.

The 19 Most Stylish Coffee Tables Money Can Buy - For Under $200

If you're on the hunt for a new coffee table for your living room, you've come to the right place. To save you both time and money, we hunted down the hottest picks on the internet. The best part: they're all under $200, but look double the price. From mid-century modern wood tables to chic marble designs, we have no doubt you'll find something that fits your style ahead. Keep reading to shop our favorites.

22 Spots at Disneyland That Are Some of the Most Instagrammable Places on Earth

It's the happiest and most magical place on Earth - and also one of the most photogenic! We're talking, of course, about Disneyland, the original Disney theme park in Anaheim, CA. Although the streets of the park are always full of people, there are some amazing spots, both out in the open and a little tucked away, where you can take that perfect shot to share your Disney dreams with your Instagram followers. From Disney landmarks to new additions, here are some of the best and most Instagram-friendly spots at Disneyland - plus a few tips and tricks for getting the perfect shot once you're there!

Easter Egg Oreos Have Arrived, and the New Oval Shape Is Honestly Quite the Trip

As one season ends and a new one begins, it seems no one is working harder than the folks at Oreo. Fresh off the release of its berry-flavored Love Oreos for Valentine's Day, the cookie company immediately began selling limited-edition Easter Egg Oreos with a purple filling and new oval shape.

Unfortunately, the Oreos don't actually taste any different than the classic cookie, but the confounding shape and the four unique designs make them a sweet novelty purchase. The Easter Egg Oreos come at the same time as the return of Spring Oreos, which simply feature a yellow filling. See photos of the Easter Egg Oreos ahead, already available at big box stores like Target and Walmart!

11 Home Renovations and How Much They Should Cost

For some, the thought of a home renovation is thrilling - a chance to get their hands dirty and really make their mark on their home. For others, the idea feels chaotic and not exactly how they'd want to spend a weekend (or their paychecks). Love them or hate them, one thing's for sure: knowing how much a renovation can and should cost can help you prioritize your remodeling projects, budget accordingly, and be one step closer to having the beautiful home of your dreams. So whether your home's entire exterior needs an overhaul or you just want to refresh a couple of outdated features, this is how much you should expect to pay for these common home renovations.

Traveling Solo? Here Are 11 Fun Things to Do to Enjoy Your Own Company

Traveling alone is one of the most freeing, rewarding, and enriching experiences a person can have. Not only will you get to know yourself much better by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, but embarking on a solo trip also allows you to be entirely selfish. You craft your own personal itinerary, change it up whenever you feel like it, and experience things (food definitely included) that you want to experience. Want to wake up at the crack of dawn for a sunrise safari? You can do it without worrying about bothering someone else. Want to sleep in late and relax in the pool all day? Do it! It's entirely up to you. Solo travel is definitely worth it, so keep reading for 11 fun things to do by yourself when you're jet-setting.