Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.

Mental Health

Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.

Public health

Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.

Reproductive Health

For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

dimanche 18 octobre 2015

The New Procedure That Promises Big Weight Loss

If you overeat and don't have the willpower to stop yourself, the pounds will pile on, and one day, you'll find your doctor putting you in the "obese" category. If you've tried every diet in the book but found them too restrictive to stick with, there's a new nonsurgical procedure that takes 15 minutes and serves as built-in portion control.

It's known as the gastric balloon, and it's marketed under two names, the Orbera (single balloon) and the ReShape (two connected balloons). How does it work? Once the patient is sedated, a doctor uses an endoscope (a tube with a camera on the end) to insert a deflated balloon through the mouth, down the throat, and into the stomach. The balloon is then filled with saline solution, taking up space in the stomach, so the person feels less hungry and loses the urge to overeat. It stays in for six months, deflates, and is then removed.

It may seem like an amazing solution for those who've been struggling with their weight but who don't weigh enough to qualify for gastric bypass surgery. To qualify for a gastric balloon, the patient has to have a BMI between 30 and 40. In the first few days of insertion, the patient can expect to experience severe nausea, vomiting, and pain from stomach spasms. The good news is after three days, patients feel fine and can expect to lose between 20 and 70 pounds within that six-month period.

Both are FDA approved, and your doctor can help you choose which version is best. The ReShape holds twice as much saline as the Orbera, so it's recommended for bigger weight loss. The gastric balloon is not covered by insurance and costs between $7,500 to $10,000 - yikes! But for those who've found success, it's worth the cost to gain control of their life and eating habits.

Your Strong and Fierce 10-Minute Total-Body Blast

When it comes to workouts, you can accomplish a lot in 10 minutes, and this fitness quickie proves just that! Every exercise in this workout is a challenging full-body move, and many have a bonus cardio component. Add weights to this workout, and you will reap even more benefits. Grab a set of dumbbells between five and eight pounds, and get at it.

And be sure to tune in to CBS to check out Supergirl in action: it premieres Monday, Oct. 26, at 8:30/7:30 p.m. Central.

After an Intense Butt Workout, Do This 10-Minute Yoga Sequence

Our Better-Butt Challenge has 21 days of workouts to help you take your butt from flat to full. In the end, you'll have a tighter, stronger backside. Be sure to check back tomorrow when we share the next workout of this three-week plan.

After all those squats and lunges to get a bounce-quarters-off-your-buns butt, here's a relaxing and essential yoga sequence to stretch out the quads, hips, hamstrings, and lower back. After moving through the seven-sequence flow, repeat again on the other side.

This Might Be the Reason You're Not Losing Weight

When designing a weight-loss meal plan, it might be time to look further down the label than the calorie count and start focusing on upping your protein intake. If you're having a hard time incorporating adequate protein into your diet, here's why it's time to start.

It keeps you satisfied: According to Esther Blum, clinical and holistic dietitian and the author of Cavewomen Don't Get Fat, high-protein foods regulate your appetite since they take more work to "digest, metabolize, and use, which means you burn more calories processing them." With Esther's clients, she's found that many start to shed pounds with more ease once they start to eat more protein.

It repairs muscle tissue: A recent study shows that in addition to a regular exercise routine, doubling your protein intake may be the key to losing fat pounds without dropping muscle mass. According to Tim Rich, a fitness manager at Crunch Gym, anyone doing endurance or strength training needs at least 10 grams of protein right after an intense workout to make sure the body receives the proper nutrients to aid in muscle repair and recovery. This is important to keep in mind as you're choosing the perfect post-workout snack.

It helps you look beyond calories: Sure, knowing the calories in the foods you're consuming is essential to hit your weight-loss goals, but it's not everything. While they might be higher in calories, protein-rich foods such as lean meats, fish, nuts, and pseudograins like quinoa and amaranth round out a healthy (and satisfying) diet and keep energy levels up. If you hopped on board a vegan or vegetarian diet with the hopes of losing weight, make sure you take stock of these high-protein foods that should be incorporated into your diet.

The 1 Move You Should Be Doing For Flat Abs

Our schedules don't always allow for a 20-minute abs workout - we get it. But for those mornings that do grant you a few extra minutes, Tone It Up cofounders and trainers Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott suggest taking your standard plank up a notch with this tummy toner that targets your core and obliques. Add this plank variation to your existing routine or try it alone for a quick toning session.

  • Begin in a plank position with your hands below your shoulders and your core engaged.
  • With control, slowly bring your right knee up toward your right elbow, squeezing your lower abs to activate the obliques, perform the move on the other side. This counts as one rep.
  • Complete three sets of 10 to 15 reps.

If you're looking to refuel - but don't want to feel bloated - after working your abs, Karena and Katrina suggest adding Perfect Fit Protein (or any protein) to coconut water for a lighter alternative to smoothies.

4 Desk Stretches to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Tension

Sitting at a desk for hours on end, staring at your computer screen, and scrunching your shoulders as you type can create a stiff neck and tense shoulders, or even a headache. Take a break and do these four stretches at your desk to offer some stress relief.

Pumpkin Party! 5 Treats Lightened Up With Puree

Pumpkin flavor is synonymous with autumnal baking, but pumpkin puree serves as a healthy substitute year-round. For oil, the ratio is one to one - one cup oil is simply replaced with one cup pumpkin puree.

To substitute pumpkin puree for butter, multiply the amount of butter by 3/4. If a recipe calls for one cup, use 3/4 cup puree in its place. If you're not ready to give up all the butter, consider splitting the bill. For one cup of butter, use 1/2 cup of butter and 1/2 cup of pumpkin puree. And be sure not to grab pumpkin pie filling at the store when you're looking for puree! It's easy to mix them up, but you won't be happy with the results. If want to taste a recipe that makes the most of pumpkin puree, try one of these perfectly seasonal sweet treats.

6 Things You Can Do Today to Feel Better About Cellulite

Just about all women have it, and whether genetics has blessed you with a little more than you'd like, cellulite is just one of those things we have to embrace. What causes that dimply, orange-peel-looking flesh? When fat cells push up against our skin and the fibrous tissue that connects our skin to our muscle pulls down, we're left with that signature bumpy skin. Although you can't get rid of cellulite completely, here are some simple things you can do to reduce its appearance.

Lea Michele Dishes About Her Active Lifestyle and Reveals Her 2 Favorite Workouts

Glee and now Scream Queens star Lea Michele graces the November cover of Women's Health with some major fitness motivation. The singer, author, and actress is an advocate for healthy living and has inspired us before with her thoughts on body image and self-confidence. Lea's amazing body isn't a result of calorie counting but of continuous activity and a positive mindset. And what we love most is that the 29-year-old still loves her food. Check out her gorgeous photos from the upcoming issue (hitting stands on Oct. 20) ahead accompanied by quotes about her balanced lifestyle.

samedi 17 octobre 2015

Trim, Tone, and Strengthen With These 80 Bodyweight Moves

Even if you've nixed your membership at the gym, there's no excuse to skip your workout. Forget the days of hauling around free weights, and focus on using your greatest tool - your body's strength! - with these 80 exercises. If you're trying to specifically focus on your upper body, lower body, or core or you want some new plyometric moves to get your heart rate up, click below to head to the right place.

6-Year-Old Audrey Is Becoming a Zumba Sensation and This Adorable Video Shows Why

We've seen 6-year-old Audrey Nethery sharing the stage with instructors and dancers at this year's International Zumba Convention. But this time, we get a solo performance to "Popee" by Francesca Maria that'll have you shaking along with her. Among her many Facebook videos that have helped raise awareness for Diamond Blackfan Anemia, this footage of Audrey in Zumba class really showcases her sassy moves. Prepare for some adorable attitude in the intro and her contagious energy.

Half the Women Who Smelled This Had an Immediate Orgasm

Hawaii might be one of the most romantic locations on the planet, but this scented study takes things one step further. Scientists discovered a bright orange mushroom in recent lava flows that can make women orgasm . . . just by smelling it. In this Hawaiian study, nearly half the women experienced instantaneous orgasm with the smell test. Researchers believe that hormone-like compounds found in this mushroom may have some similarities to the neurotransmitters released during sexual encounters. There is no pleasurable sensation quite like the big O, but you might not know just how good orgasming is for your overall health. It reduces stress, improves your cardiovascular fitness, and can even improve your vaginal health. If you're in need of a little help climaxing, these tips will help you and your partner hit the spot.

Roll With It: 21 Healthy Wrap Recipes

What we're craving these days are satisfying and easy wraps loaded with all our favorite fillings. While extra bread can load on the calories, swapping your standard bun for a tortilla wrap or tasty greens can make a huge, healthful difference in your meal. Let's get rolling! Here are 21 tasty wrap recipes that will inspire your fit palate.

Are Itchy Legs During a Run Cause For Alarm?

So what if it's been a while, and you've taking a break from running? You're finally inspired to lace up your sneaks and go! A few minutes into it, you start to experience an itchy sensation all over your legs, and it's so overwhelming that you have to stop running to scratch. What gives?

As your heart rate increases, blood flows faster, and the millions of tiny capillaries and arteries in your muscles begin to expand rapidly. The capillaries stay open to allow for maximum blood passage when you're fit, but if you're out of shape, your capillaries tend to collapse, not allowing as much blood to pass through. When your capillaries expand, the surrounding nerves become stimulated and send messages to the brain, which reads the sensation as itching. Unfortunately, your itchy legs are the price paid for falling off the exercise wagon. So if you want to prevent itchy legs, keep up with your regular exercise routine.

Just like a red face during exercise, itchy legs are no cause for alarm, that is unless the itch is accompanied by hives. Exercise-induced urticaria is in a sense an allergy to exercise, and if you're also experiencing stomach cramps, swelling of the face or tongue, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.

Feel Instantly Inspired to Exercise With These Celeb Instagram Pics

Some days it's easy, but other times keeping up with your healthy lifestyle can feel like a serious struggle - and we'll take whatever healthy inspiration we can get! If you're in need of a push out the door and into the gym, check out the awesome Instagram action that some of our favorite healthy celebrities recently shared. From Ellie Goulding's partner moves to Julianne Hough destroying the Spartan Beast course, these snaps will motivate you to exercise and stay healthy in a fresh, fun way this weekend.

Got Tight Hips? Then Do These

This sequence of Pigeon pose variations are sure to loosen up hips made tight from running or simply sitting all day. Begin with your right knee forward, and then repeat on the other side.

Tone Your Arms and Core With This 3-Minute Plank Workout

No weights? No problem. Tone your abs and core with one single bodyweight move - the plank. These five variations will get your heart pumping and your arms and core burning. It only takes three minutes, so if you want a longer workout, repeat this circuit two or three times.

This Woman's Push-Up Routine Will Make Your Jaw Drop

Push ups level master!

Posted by on Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Part acrobatic act, part strength-training routine, this push-up video is unlike anything I've ever seen. I can't imagine what my reaction would be if I saw this on my gym floor! This strong and sexy woman barely breaks a sweat while hopping and transitioning with perfect form. Let's just call this video something to aspire to.

Everything You Need to Know About RDI

Are you getting enough calcium? What about vitamin B12? If you're curious to know how much you need of your basic vitamins and minerals each day, this chart is for you. It tells you the recommended daily intake (RDI) of each nutrient for a typical adult woman as well as what you need to eat to obtain it.

Vitamin / Mineral Amount Eat This to Obtain RDI
Vitamin A 2,310 IU (700 mcg) 2 medium baby carrots: 2,758 IU
Vitamin B1
1.1 mg 1 cup oatmeal: 1.2 mg
Vitamin B2
1.1 mg 1 cup cottage cheese: .4 mg
3 oz. salmon: .4 mg
1 cup cooked spinach: .4 mg
Vitamin B3
14 mg Half an avocado: 1.3 mg
2 large carrots: 1.4 mg
3 oz. salmon: 8.6 mg
1 medium sweet potato: 1.7 mg
1 oz. almonds: 1.1 mg
Vitamin B5
(Pantothenic acid)
5 mg 1 1/2 cups oatmeal: 1.4 mg
1 cup plain nonfat yogurt: 1.6 mg
3 oz. roasted chicken: .9 mg
1 cup brown rice: .6 mg
1 small sweet potato: .5 mg
Vitamin B6
1.3 mg 3 oz. salmon: .8 mg
1 cup long-grain brown rice: .3 mg
1 cup raw broccoli: .2 mg
Vitamin B7
(Biotin or Vitamin H)
30 mcg Our bodies recycle a significant amount of biotin so deficiency is rare.
Vitamin B9
(Folic Acid)
400 mcg 1 cup cooked spinach: 263 mcg
1/2 cup kidney beans: 115 mcg
1 cup fresh orange juice: 74 mcg
Vitamin B12
2.4 mcg 1 oz. cheddar cheese: .2 mcg
3 oz. roasted chicken: .3 mcg
1 cup plain nonfat yogurt: 1.5 mcg
1 1/2 tbsp. nutritional yeast: 3.1 mcg
Vitamin C 75 mg 1 large orange: 98 mg
Vitamin D 600 IU (15 mcg) 1 cup milk: 100 IU
1 cup Silk plain soy milk: 119 IU
1 can tuna: 154 IU
1 egg: 41 IU
1 cup orange juice fortified with vitamin D: 137 IU
1 cup yogurt: 80 IU
Vitamin E 22.5 IU (15 mg) 1 cup cooked spinach: 3.7 mg
2 tbsp. olive oil: 3.8 mg
1 cup quinoa: 1.2 mg
1 oz. almonds: 7.3 mg
Calcium 1,000 mg 1 cup plain nonfat yogurt: 488 mg
1 cup Silk plain soy milk: 299 mg
1 cup cooked spinach: 245 mg
Iron 18 mg 1 cup cooked spinach: 6.4 mg
1 cup oatmeal: 3.4 mg
1/2 cup lentils: 3.3 mg
1 cup barley: 2.1 mg
2 beets: .8 mg
1 medium baked potato with skin: 1.9 mg
Potassium 4,700 mg 1 large banana: 487 mg
2 large kiwis: 568 mg
1 cup plain nonfat yogurt: 625 mg
1 cup fresh orange juice: 496 mg
1 medium russet potato: 952 mg
1 cup diced cantaloupe: 417 mg
1/2 cup edamame beans: 338 mg
1 cup cooked swiss chard: 961 mg
Zinc 8 mg 3 oz. oysters: 63 mg
3 oz. ground beef: 3.9 mg
1/4 cup peanuts: 1.2 mg
1 cup brown rice: 1.2 mg
1 cup skim milk: 1 mg
3 oz. roasted chicken: .6 mg
1 medium baked potato with skin: .6 mg

Better-Butt Challenge: A Bodyweight Workout That Challenges Your Backside

Our Better-Butt Challenge has 21 days of workouts to help you take your butt from flat to full. In the end, you'll have a tighter, stronger backside. Be sure to check back tomorrow when we share the next workout of this three-week plan.

Welcome to our Better-Butt Challenge. Today's workout is all about low maintenance and no fuss. And since it requires absolutely no equipment, you can do it just about anywhere! Not only does each move work to strengthen and tone the butt, but your core and legs will also be challenged.

Directions: After five minutes of light cardio, perform this five-exercise circuit twice (see reps below). Cool down with eight reps each of the two floor exercises, then follow that up with some light stretching.

Week one, day six: eight reps of each exercise
Week two, day 13: 10 reps of each exercise

5 Ways a Flight of Stairs Can Heat Up Your Winter Workouts

Just because we are headed into a busy Winter season, it doesn't mean you should put your fitness goals on hold. If you have access to a staircase, you can get a great cardio workout right at home. Up ahead, everything you need to switch up your workout routine and torch calories using steps.

Feel Happier and Healthier Every Day With 10 Simple Tips

Ready to make space for some much needed balance in your world? Follow these simple and straightforward rules to cultivate the happy and healthy life you've always craved.

Related: How to Become a Morning Person

Number One: Keep Mornings Calm

Even five minutes of pure relaxation make a huge difference in your mood and energy all day. Leave plenty of time to eat a filling breakfast, stretch or meditate, and have a calm commute to start every day out on a happy Zen note.

Number Two: Make Time to Move

Exercise ups endorphins, boosts immunity, relieves stress, and keeps you feeling strong and confident in your body. There's no need to go crazy with an intense hour-long workout every day of the week, but a little daily exercise is some of the best medicine available for the body and mind.

Related: Find the Perfect Workout With FitFinder, Our Workout Generator

Number Three: Eat Real Food

Processed junk food makes your blood sugar spike, pumps your body with unnatural ingredients, and leaves you feeling hungry and unsatisfied soon after you eat. Choosing real, whole, all-natural clean foods just makes sense if you are serious about your health and happiness.

Number Four: Reach For Water

When feeling fatigued or in need of a boost, don't immediately reach for a caffeinated or sugary beverage. Often, a foggy, tired brain is a sign of dehydration, so sip on plenty of water all day to keep energy levels up and soaring.

Related: 4 Detox Ingredients You Need to Add to Your H2O

Number Five: Listen When Your Body Talks

Happy people help their bodies work with them instead of against them. They put down their fork when they've had enough, hit up a yoga class when they need a release, and don't pour that third (or fourth) cocktail when they know it's not a good idea. If you're willing to listen, your body has plenty to say.

Number Six: Love Those Vegetables

Vegetables are not added to a plate because your body has to eat them: it's because it wants to eat them. Colorful produce is packed with nutrients that keep your body functioning at its top potential.

Number Seven: Invest in Fitness and Health

Don't wait until you're feeling poorly and out of sorts to take care of your needs. Commit to that studio package, get an occasional massage, and make those doctor appointments that it's time to schedule.

Related: DIY Massage With a Foam Roller

Number Eight: Remember to Be Grateful

When someone's attention is focused on lack, that's exactly what they're going to get: more lack. Instead of focusing on the job they don't have or a number on the scale they don't want to see, positive people are not afraid to give thanks for all the gifts they have in life - both large and small.

Number Nine: Slow Down to Smile

Life is not always so serious for happy and healthy folks. They make time to connect with loved ones and are not afraid to show kindness to strangers. Laughing helps too.

Related: 25 Hacks For Better Sleep Tonight

Number 10: Rest

When tired or feeling worn out, don't schedule another activity or commit to another event. Having healthy boundaries keeps you feeling safe, connected, and energized, so take alone time to recharge at home. And when it's time to get some sleep, turn off the computers, stop binging on Netflix, and get to bed.

27 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism and Torch Fat Today

If you're looking for a way to burn more calories with little effort, you've come to the right place. We've got over 25 simple ways you can boost your body's fat-burning potential, all day, the easy way.

- Additional reporting by Michele Foley, Lizzie Fuhr, and Jenny Sugar

vendredi 16 octobre 2015

I Started Saying "No" and Began Losing Weight

Saying "no" has never been my forte. I'm a social creature and a "yes" person. Long before FOMO permeated the pop culture landscape, I hated passing up any enticing invitation for a night out - the phrase "I'll sleep when I'm dead" comes to mind when I think about my first years in San Francisco.

Eventually, I woke up and found myself with a complete lack of energy, a totally shot immune system, and a body I barely recognized. The irony of it all was I was coming up on my one-year anniversary of writing for POPSUGAR Fitness. I was sitting at my desk writing all day and going out (almost) every night from work. I was left with exactly zero time to dedicate to my physical fitness or general wellness. Somewhere in my mind I had worked out this deal: since I was writing about health all day long, I was obviously being healthy. Then, I saw one Instagram proving that this was not the case. Seeing this photographic proof was the push I needed to recommit to a consistent routine, but seeing results was much tougher than I had anticipated. And it wasn't because I wasn't making time to work out; it's because I had to start saying "no" to people I love.

No, I can't eat nachos tonight. No, I can't go to your show at 11 p.m. on Wednesday; I have SoulCycle at 7 a.m. (and then, I work all day). No, I can't stop by the bar, because I don't want to be coaxed into drinking a bunch of Manhattans and wake up hungover and hating life. No, I need to leave early, so I can prep meals for the week and clean my house. No, I am not interested in your cupcake. Well . . . I am interested in your cupcake, but no, no thank you.

If you're new to this whole healthy-living gig, heed my advice, and consider this a warning. There are people you love and love spending time with who will do everything in their power to get in your way. They'll tell you they miss seeing you, ask you to skip a Sunday morning class so you can meet them for brunch, and say everyone keeps asking where you've been hiding. Even after explaining that "no" has become more rampant in my vocabulary because of my health, I still felt like I was letting friends down. Guilt plagued me for some time, but once I started reaping the benefits of all my hard work, the response became easier and more natural. And honestly? It feels really good to put my foot down, take the reins, and do what's best for me.

Don't get me wrong: making time for fun is absolutely essential to live a balanced life, and trust me, I have plenty of fun. But I realized that if I was serious about changing my body and changing my life, it was only going to work if I set healthy boundaries that were on my terms. Sure, there are still weeks I spread myself too thin and nights I stay out way too late, but the vast majority of my time is dedicated to living a healthier, more balanced life - and I've got the results to prove it.

Someone Finally Explains What That Extra Set of Shoelace Holes Is For

We all have them, and most of us just ignore them. I'm talking about that extra pair of holes on the top of our sneakers. Nope, they're not just for decoration! Try this shoelace tying trick called the "heel lock" to prevent the back of your foot from sliding up and down, which will prevent heel blisters. If you're a runner, this just may be the best thing you hear all day!


10 Ways to Be a Better Runner (Without Logging Miles)
How to Make That Long Run Feel Easier
Strengthen and Stretch! The 12 Moves All Runners Need to Do

Tone Your Butt and Improve Your Posture With 1 Move

Your backside. Chances are, if you don't look at it regularly in the mirror, you forget to work it. Having a strong back helps reduce aches and pains from living a sedentary life. A strong butt not only looks good, but it also keeps your lower back, hips, and knees healthy. To keep your entire backside strong while challenging your balance and core, try this multitasking move: single-leg deadlift with row.

  • Stand up straight, and hold two dumbbells with palms facing each other.
  • Lift your left foot up a bit, and balance on your right leg. Keeping your back neutral, lean your entire torso forward while raising your left leg, which should stay in line with your body.
  • Holding this position, perform a row by bending your elbows back so that the dumbbells meet the sides of your chest while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Lower weights back toward the floor.
  • With your back straight, return upright, coming to your starting position, to complete one rep.
  • Do 10 to 12 reps on each side to complete a set.

Make sure you are adequately warmed up before doing this exercise - you don't want to pull a hamstring. Here's a short warmup that will definitely do the trick.

Related: The Moves You Should Be Doing For a Perkier Butt

The Ultimate Virtual Cookbook of Healthy Meals

It's tough staying healthy when you're eating the same boring bowl of oatmeal or lifeless salad day after day. Add a little much-needed pizzazz to your meals with one of these exciting, good-for-you recipes. Whether you're Paleo, gluten-free, vegan, or eat everything under the sun, we've got a recipe for you. Browse through them all or click the link below to skip ahead.


- Additional reporting by Michele Foley, Lizzie Fuhr, and Leta Shy

4 Detox Ingredients You Need to Add to Your H2O

When you're trying to get your health back on track, there are many ways to detox your way to feeling better. The best way to flush out toxins, however, is simple: lots and lots of water. But you don't have to drink it plain; you can add a little flavor as well with these delicious (and detoxifying) additions. Add all of these to a large pitcher or bottle full of ice and water and drink throughout the next day for an effective way to detox! It helps to let these pieces soak overnight in your fridge to let the flavors meld.

Related: A Ginger Smoothie Full of Detox Power

  • Lemon: Lemon water makes for a powerful detox drink; lemon juice helps to cleanse and alkalize the body. Add one thinly sliced lemon to a large pitcher, or squeeze fresh lemon juice into your glass.
  • Mint: Mint adds a touch of sweetness without the sugar to your water, and it also helps settle your stomach and aids in digestion as well.
  • Cucumber: Cucumber water isn't just for spas. Adding a few slices of cucumber to your water makes for excellent rehydration, and cucumber also contains anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Ginger: The spicy root helps cleanse out your system, aids in digestion, and settles your stomach. A little goes a long way, so start with a few thin slices or grate a tiny piece into your water and taste before adding more as necessary.

Related: 10 Natural Ways to Help Detoxify the Body

To make one serving of detox water, add three to five slices of cucumber, half a lemon, and a few sprigs of mint leaves to 24 ounces of ice-cold water. You can also add sliced peeled ginger (about a one-inch piece of ginger root, or to taste) for a spicy kick.

Related: This 1-Day Cleanse Will Reset Your Body ASAP

I Am Not a Runner and I Just Did a 5K - It Was Awesome

When our Fitness editor told me that I'd be running a 5K as a guest of the Tone It Up Retreat in Newport Beach, CA, several thoughts ran through my head after some initial laughter. Is it safe to run my first 5K without any training or preparation? Could I do it? Would I survive?

As someone who can barely walk home without panting, it was hard not to freak out a little. My friends' and family's responses went something like, "Oh, I don't know, man." The support was unreal.

Aside from a (sometimes) weekly dance class, I generally identify myself as a pretty inactive person. The last time I had competitively run a mile was in 8th grade PE - the last time I ran three miles? Oh, never. The running shoes I had purchased a month earlier for "motivation" barely left their box just the weekend before, and I could hardly call that a run. But I was so excited about this last-minute trip that I welcomed anything that was asked of me, including this 5K.

Fast-forward to the morning of when my nerves were stretching with me. Here I was, surrounded by 400 Tone It Up women, standing in my running shoes that had yet to be broken in.

Then, the shot was fired.

I started off slow, real slow. Ten minutes in, I was almost done with my first lap of four but my shins began to badly burn. Listening to Drake helped me push through to lap two when I thought, "OK, this isn't bad. I got this." But soon after, a fear of "Holy sh*t, I may not make it" quickly took over.

I tried to keep focused on the lyrics and my breathing, and it didn't hurt that this was a Rosé 5K with some bubbly waiting for us at the finish line. Half an hour in and I was on my final lap. Minus a couple 10-second walk breaks, I had maintained a steady pace the entire time and this, my friends, blew my freaking mind. As I approached the end, I surprisingly felt energized enough to pick up the pace so I decided to go full speed to the finish line. Yes, there were many girls who had finished long before I had, but I ended my very first 5K at 37 minutes, and hey, I felt pretty damn good for pushing through.

My first 5K made me realize that my fitness potential was completely hindered by how I viewed running. Since then, I've become more open-minded to fitness in general and less fearful of pushing my body. My new perspective has inspired me to continue to explore my physical limits and to even consider signing up for another 5K or even a 10K! But after some actual preparation next time around, of course.

In the meantime, here's seven things I learned from my first experience.

  1. Go at your own pace: As badly as I wanted to keep up with some of the runners, I knew I'd burn out quick if I tried. Instead, I kept slow, light steps throughout.
  2. A good playlist is everything: If it weren't for the help of Drake and Queen Bey, I'm really not sure if I could've made it on my own.
  3. It's OK to walk: There were many women who were killing it, but there were plenty of others who walked the race, too. Regardless of what anyone else is doing, just focus on what your body is capable of.
  4. Only take sips of water: While the sun was beating down hard on us, I had to resist the urge to gulp down. I took only enough sips to get me through each lap to prevent cramps from slowing me down.
  5. Nothing gets a girl running like Rosé: No, seriously, you should've seen some of these runners go. Why every race doesn't end with some is my question.
  6. It's all mental: I had the wrong outlook coming into the race, first of all. I already set myself up for failure based on what I thought I knew about my body. Especially feeling intimidated by the more experienced women around me, it was easy to get dissuaded. But self-encouragement can really make all the difference.
  7. You might surprise yourself: I definitely did. I was either going to embarrass or impress myself and thankfully, it was the latter. You really don't know what you're capable of until you try.

Make These 3 Changes, Burn More Calories

Exercise is essential when it comes to dropping pounds. So if you're eager to lose the weight, then here are three everyday changes that will help increase your calorie burn.

Hello Sunshine

Moving workouts to early mornings may mean cursing your alarm clock, but here's the big payoff: morning exercisers burn more calories. And now that the sun rises earlier, it'll be easier to pull yourself out of bed than it was in the Winter. Research shows that people who exercise in the a.m. work harder and for longer periods of time, which may be because they're more alert and energetic and they don't feel as rushed as afternoon or evening exercisers. Getting into a morning routine will also help you stick with it, which will help even more with your weight-loss journey.

Related: Start Your Day With a 300-Calorie-Burning Video Workout

Get Speedy

When it comes to cardio, running will help you lose more weight than walking since it burns more calories, but if you increase your speed just a little, then you'll burn even more. And don't stick to a consistent pace the entire workout. Adding sprinting intervals is an effective way to increase your calorie burn and has also been proven to reduce belly fat. Also be sure to swing those arms as you move, and you'll burn 15 percent more calories.

Related: Intervals For the Beginner: 30-Minute Treadmill Workout

Strength Train in the Ladies' Room

Muscle burns more calories than fat does, so the more muscle mass you have, the better it is for weight loss. Don't just hit the weight room at the gym. Include strength-training moves throughout your day, such as push-ups on the bathroom counter and this two-minute butt and thigh workout while brushing your teeth. You can also work your body by carrying a basket instead of pushing a cart, using the stairs whenever possible, and sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair.

Related: Turn Any Staircase Into a Workout

The Best News For Gluten-Free Gals Who Love Panera

Great news for all the gluten-free eaters who wish they could enjoy a Panera Bread sammy! Later this month, Panera will begin to offer their very first gluten-free roll. The popular chain will test out a gluten-free rosemary focaccia roll in Michigan this month with plans to take the offering nationwide at some point in late 2016. The roll will include ingredients like whole grain sorghum, sprouted broccoli, chia, and flaxseeds.

Related: The Healthiest Fast-Food Lunches

This roll may not be safe for people living with Celiac disease, since it will stored alongside other bread offerings, but it is an amazing option for anyone who wants to cut back on gluten at lunch! Panera has made big strides to remove artificial ingredients from their food, so we hope that this gluten-free roll will follow suit.

Related: The Exact Breakfast Items 1 Nutritionist Says You Can Order at Fast-Food Restaurants

Why You Shouldn't Feel Guilty About Making Yourself a Priority

On those days when our endless to-do's are looming over us, it's hard not to feel guilty about fitting in a workout. But it's important to remember to put ourselves at the forefront from time to time. Apply "treat yourself" to how we take care of and treat our bodies - not to excuse our splurges and confectionary overindulgences. Tone It Up cofounders Katrina Scott and Karena Dawn have a similar approach to this ever-popular phrase but with a slight spin that we absolutely love: "'You deserve it.' We say that to each other a lot, too," said Katrina. "We'll text each other that. When I'm going to this class in the morning or do this workout, there's so much to do in the day to spend your time on, but you know what? You deserve it."

The fitness gurus' favorite mantra can and should also be applied to the opposite. You know those days when you're just not feeling it? Switch gears from getting down on yourself for wanting to skip a workout to coming terms with a day off. Karena advises "Not to feel guilty . . . let yourself relax for a day." And when you're stuck in a rut, there's a simple solution that can do wonders for your spirit. "Just get out and get fresh air. There are days when you maybe can't get a workout in, but it's OK, you pick it up the next day," Karena said.

Being kind to yourself benefits not only you, but those around you, as well. You'll feel more balanced and rested, and overall more positive. Remember, being distracted by guilt-ridden thoughts doesn't make someone good company. Overworking yourself or feeling remorse for making yourself a priority are both incredibly unhealthy habits. So next time you're debating some much-needed r&r, give yourself a break because well - you deserve it!

The Amount of Calories You Actually Burn in Yoga

Deciding if a workout is worthwhile shouldn't be based on how many calories you burn; there are other factors to consider, like if you got your heart rate up, improved your balance and strength, or amped up energy levels. Because yoga makes me stronger and more flexible, it really doesn't matter that much how many calories I burn, but out of curiosity, I thought I'd see how my classes stack up in the calorie department thanks to Health Status's calorie calculator.

Type of Yoga Calories burned
(1 hour / 150 lb. person)
4. Hatha Yoga 189
3. Ashtanga Yoga 351
2. Bikram 477
1. Vinyasa 594

I was really shocked to see Vinyasa yoga as the type of yoga that burns the most calories. I assumed it would have been Bikram because you sweat so much in hot yoga. Contrary to popular belief, as we've already learned, don't rely on sweat as a gauge of how intense an exercise is. A combination of heart rate and perceived effort are much better indicators of how hard you are working and how much energy you are expending.

You'll Never Guess the Reason For 20,000 ER Visits

While there is no magic pill for weight loss, many people still try diet pills, and instead of losing weight, they're ending up in the ER. A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine led by the FDA and CDC found that severe injuries caused by taking weight-loss and energy-enhancement pills accounts for more than 20,000 emergency room visits. And about 10 percent (about 2,150 cases) were serious enough to require hospitalization. We're talking allergic reactions, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, chest pains, heart palpitations, and irregular heart rhythms tied to a wide variety of diet pills including herbal supplements, amino acids, and vitamins and minerals.

The business of diet pills is a rapidly growing $32 billion a year industry, and the health of consumers is at risk because of the low level of regulation. Under a 1994 federal law, supplements are considered safe until proven otherwise, and unlike prescriptions, don't need the FDA's approval, and don't need to list side effects on the label. Sounds pretty sketchy!

The study only tracked hospital visits, not deaths, so there's no data about how many of these visits were fatal. But this is a huge wake-up call to those who are trying to lose weight this way. Even Carrie Underwood admitted in an interview with People that in 2005, she turned to weight-loss supplements to slim down. She was "taking things with ephedra in it," and says, "If I could go back and talk to myself I'd be like, "Here's how you do it the right way.'"

These supplements are widely advertised online, in magazines and on TV - Hydroxycut, Xenadrine, Raspberry Ketones and Black Jack Energy are just a few. If you're trying to lose weight, this is definitely not the safest solution. Your best bet is to do it the old-fashioned way with eating right and exercise. It'll take longer, but you're more likely to keep the weight off, and it'll benefit your total overall health without a single risk.

12 Netflix Documentaries That Will Make You Want to Be Healthy

After an indulgent period, I need a little bit of a healthy reboot. Streaming an awesome documentary on Netflix always inspires me to get my head back in the game and get serious about my health. If you're in need of a healthy reset, turn on one of these flicks tonight. You might just be inspired to clean up your diet, get back to yoga, or even sign up for a crazy-challenging race.

The Best Fat-Blasting Cardio Exercises

Exercising hard enough to raise your heartbeat will burn major calories, but not everyone loves to run. Luckily, there are many ways to hit your cardio goals that don't involve miles. These 43 cardio moves will help burn fat and build muscle, no running required. Find your new favorite ways to cardio here.

Vegan Foods That Are High in Vitamin B12

I'm not a full-fledged vegan by any means, but I'm up for trying a delicious animal-free meal every now and then. But even when going vegan on occasion, I can see how careful you must be when planning what to eat, including thinking carefully about nutrition.

Of course, since vegetables are the stars in a vegan diet, there's no lack of options that are chock-full of vitamins - except for ones only found in animal products, like vitamin B12. And while vitamin B12 deficiency is rare, the nutrient is essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system as well as healthy blood cells, so it's important to get enough in your diet. Most women need 2.4 mcg of the vitamin a day (a little more if you are pregnant or breastfeeding).

Since the best sources of B12 come from meat, fish, eggs, and chicken, long-time vegans may need to look to other sources to make sure their levels of B12 stay full. Besides taking a vitamin supplement, which vegan-friendly foods are high in B12? Find out after the break.

Make These 5 Changes to Boost Your Metabolism All Day

Have a sluggish metabolism? Fight back by doing these things throughout your day to boost your metabolism from morning till night.

  1. Choose these every time you eat: Sounds crazy, but the chewiness of fruits, veggies, and whole grains makes your mouth work harder, and the high-fiber content also takes more energy to digest, which combined adds up to a 10 percent increase in calorie burn. Choose these foods in their whole, natural state to reap more of the metabolism-boosting benefits.
  2. Lean protein, too: Protein also requires more energy to digest while keeping you feeling full and satisfied, so be sure to include this essential nutrient in every meal and snack.
  3. Drop and give me 20: Right before every meal and snack, get on the floor and do 20 to 50 push-ups (choose the amount for your strength level). Short bursts of exercise can lead to an afterburn of 200 calories throughout the day, and lean muscle also burns more fat.
  4. Sip green tea or water: Green tea contains catechins, an antioxidant that raises resting metabolism by four percent (about 80 calories a day). If you're not into this beverage, sip plain old water throughout the day to avoid dehydration, which can slow down metabolism.
  5. Take five: Stress not only leads to high-calorie snacking - it can actually slow your metabolism down. So it's important to take regular breaks from your busy day. If you have a desk job, meditating may not be the best choice as studies have shown that sitting for an hour or more reduces the fat-burning enzymes in your body by as much as 90 percent. Get up and dance to your favorite song, go for a quick five-minute brisk walk, or move through this de-stressing yoga sequence.

17 High-Protein, Low-Carb Breakfast Ideas For Weight Loss

When you start the day with a carb-heavy breakfast, the morning can sometimes drag, causing you to reach for that second cup of coffee. Try cutting down on carbs, and reach for one of these high-protein breakfast recipes instead. Whether you're on a gluten-free, Paleo, or vegetarian diet, there's a breakfast idea here to help you start your day energized and satisfied.

Better-Butt Challenge: Tone Your Backside on the Elliptical

Our Better-Butt Challenge has 21 days of workouts to help you take your butt from flat to full. In the end, you'll have a tighter, stronger backside. Be sure to check back tomorrow when we share the next workout of this three-week plan.

Today you'll take a break from strength training to pump up your heart and burn away extra calories and fat. Choose from the following joint-friendly elliptical workouts - one that gives your butt a little extra love by turning up the incline, and another that will have you dripping in sweat as you pedal through sprint intervals.

Butt-Toning Workout

By raising the incline on the elliptical, you'll help tone your butt while still upping your heart rate.

Time Resistance Incline SPM*
0:00 to 2:30 3.0 5.0 110 to 130
2:30 to 5:00 5.0 7.0 120 to 130
5:00 to 10:00 9.0 11.0 130 to 140
10:00 to 15:00 9.0 13.0 130 to 140
15:00 to 20:00 9.0 15:00 130 to 140
20:00 to 25:00 11.0 15.0 120 to 130 / Go backward
25:00 to 30:00 9.0 15.0 130 to 140 / Go forward
30:00 to 32:30 5.0 5.0 120 to 130
32:30 to 35:00 3.0 5.0 120 to 130

Click here for an image-free, printable version of the workout to take to the gym!

35-Minute Interval Workout

Get ready to sweat with this truly creative elliptical workout that will have you pedaling backwards and sprinting.

Time Resistance SPM* Notes
00:00-3:00 5 130 Warm Up
03:00-5:00 5 140 Warm Up
05:00-07:00 7 150-160 No Hands
07:00-09:00 9 150-160 Hands - Push
09:00-10:30 7 130-140 Backward
10:30-11:00 8 170-180 Sprint
11:00-12:00 7 130-140
12:00-12:30 8 180-190 Sprint
12:30-13:30 7 130-140
13:30-14:30 8 180-190 Sprint
14:30-16:00 5 140-150 No Hands
16:00-17:00 8 180-190 Sprint
17:00-18:00 6 130-140 Backward
18:00-18:30 8 190-200 Forward and Sprint
18:30-19:00 5 130-140
19:00-19:30 8 190-200 Sprint
19:30-20:00 5 130-140
20:00-20:30 8 200-210 Sprint
20:30-21:00 5 130-140
21:00-21:30 8 200-210 Sprint
21:30-22:00 5 130-140
22:00-22:30 8 200-210 Sprint
22:30-23:00 5 130-140
23:00-23:30 8 200-210 Sprint
23:30-24:00 5 130-140
24:00-24:30 7 140-150
24:30-25:00 5 130-140
25:00-27:00 7 130-140 Backward
27:00-30:00 5 130-140 Forward and Pull
30:00-35:00 5 130-140 No Hands

Click here for an image-free, printable version of the workout to take to the gym!

*SPM = Strides Per Minute

This Is Your New Home CrossFit-Style HIIT Workout

Some days you just can't make it to the gym, which is an easy excuse for not working out. But you can create your own high-intensity home workout using just your bodyweight - no equipment required. Getting stronger equals more energy and clarity, which keeps you energized all day long. So instead of sleeping in or zoning out at the end of a long day, get your heart pumping with this quick workout. Do each exercise for 20 seconds followed by a 10-second rest, with a 30-second power burst ending each set, for a heart-pounding 15-minute workout.

Set 1

  • Scissor jacks: Not only do scissor jacks burn your inner thighs, but they're also awesome for toning your upper arms and shoulders. See how many you can do in 20 seconds.
  • Burpees: The move we all love to hate, burpees kill calories and get your heart pumping.
  • Squats: Work your backside with a quick session of squats.
  • Side skaters: Get your heart rate back up with 20 seconds of side skaters. Try to stay low while landing softly after each jump.
  • 30-second strength burst - full sit-ups: You know how to do a full sit-up, so burn through as many as you can in 30 seconds.

Rest for 60 seconds.

Set 2

  • Triceps dips: Give the back of your arms some attention with a set of triceps dips on the ground.
  • Bicycle crunch: Since you're already on the ground, move into 20 seconds of bicycle crunches. Push your rectus abdominis and obliques until they burn!
  • Deadlifts: Focus your breathing while concentrating on moving your body through a series of deadlifts.
  • Squat jumps: A move that might be out of your comfort zone, squat jumps really work your quads.
  • 30-second strength burst - up-down plank: Really push yourself and do 30 seconds of up-down planks. Your arms will feel the burn!

Rest 60 seconds, then repeat!

More From Lucy

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The V-Sit Fly Is the Ab Exercise You've Been Looking For

To chisel your abs and strengthen your core, add some dumbbells to your core workout. Adding some weight forces the fibers in ab muscles to activate more fully, making each rep more effective. This V-sit variation is a stability exercise, where you train your torso to remain still as your arms move away from your center. It's a must-do move and great for endurance athletes.

Related: Standing Ab Exercises With Weights

Start with a set of five-pound dumbbells and work toward using eight-pounders.

  • Begin sitting with your heels planted about two feet from your butt, holding the weights at chest level with a slight bend in your elbows. Keeping your spine straight, lean back a few inches, pulling your abs toward your spine. Do not let your lower back round.
  • Keeping the left arm still and torso stable, exhale as you open your right arm to the side, making sure the weight doesn't go beyond your shoulder. Looking forward, you should be able to see your right hand in your peripheral vision.
  • Inhale as you bring your right arm back to center to complete one rep. Complete 10 reps with the right arm, using every exhale to deepen your abdominal connection by actively pulling your navel to your spine.
  • Ten reps on each side completes a set, and we recommend doing at least two sets.

Related: Best Ab Exercises Using Weights

Here's What Happens When You Go Off Birth Control

Between reports of health complications and more women thinking about IUDs, you might be considering a break from birth control pills. If you're concerned about what this change will do to your body, here's some information and advice from a board-certified physician who practices in southern California.

Dear Doctor,
I have been taking birth control pills for 10 years and things have shifted in my personal life and I no longer need to worry about getting pregnant. I want to go off this pill but am worried what will happen to my body and my cycle. Can you tell me what I should expect when I stop taking the pill? Will I gain weight? Will I break out? Will my period be just awful? Also, how long will it take for my hormone levels to return to normal?
- No More Pill For Me

Let me take off my lady doctor cap for a moment and share with all of you that I went through this very same issue last year. After years on the pill, I stopped taking it and will give both some professional and personal advice on this matter with you.

To begin, the birth control pill works by preventing ovulation. Once you stop taking the pill, the hormones are out of your body quickly, usually within a couple of days (this is why women who miss a couple days of pills on birth control have a chance of ovulating and getting pregnant!). Another important point to make is that it does not matter how long you were on the pill, from 10 weeks to 10 months to more than 15 years, your body will still be rid of the hormones within a couple of days!

Once the hormones are out of your system, your body will begin to start producing hormones to initiate menstrual cycles. Some women will begin to ovulate in a couple of weeks, whereas it may take several months for other women to begin to ovulate. Generally speaking, your body should be back to "normal menstruation mode" within two to three months after stopping the pill. It is important to emphasize that if you had problems with ovulation prior to starting the pill, you may continue to have irregular ovulation/periods after stopping the pill. Most women with normal ovulation/periods prior to starting the pill will continue to have normal ovulation/periods after stopping the pill. But some women who had regular periods prior to starting the pill may have irregular ovulation after stopping the pill. The key point here is that everyone's experience with ovulation/periods after stopping the pill is different!

There is a condition called post-pill amenorrhea (or lack of menstruation) that can occur after stopping the birth control pill. According to the Mayo Clinic, the reason for lack of menstruation in these women is that the body is just taking longer to produce the hormones necessary for ovulation and menstruation. If you still haven't had a period after three months, they recommend taking a pregnancy test. It would be prudent to also schedule an appointment with either your primary care physician or gynecologist for evaluation. Some women never get a period after they stop taking the pill because they ovulate and conceive right away after the discontinuation. If you do not want to become pregnant, use another form of contraception such as condoms or a diaphragm.

Many women take certain birth control pills to regulate their acne. Once you stop using birth control, you may notice an increase in acne on your face or on other parts of your body. When your body's hormone levels regulate again, the acne can subside in some cases. As far as weight fluctuation is concerned, it has been shown that birth control pills that are higher in estrogen may cause weight gain and water retention. Therefore, your body may adjust after stopping the pill and some weight loss may occur due to a decrease in water retention. Again, each woman's experience may be different. Case in point, I did gain some weight after I stopped the pill, but it may have been because of other factors due to the stress of trying to conceive, which is why I stopped taking the pill. Many birth control pills are designed especially to help treat exaggerated premenstrual syndromes or, in certain women, premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Thus, some women will notice increased breast tenderness and other premenstrual symptoms such as nausea, headaches, and fluctuating emotions.

I'll finish by telling you more about my experience with stopping birth control. I had regular menstrual cycles before I started the pill, but this was not the case after I stopped the pill. It took approximately two months to get my first period off the pill, and they were very irregular after that (ranging from five weeks to 12 weeks between periods). After seeking consultation with my gynecologist after one year of irregular cycles, I was diagnosed with oligo-ovulation, which basically means I ovulate very infrequently. They could not find any medical cause for this problem after an extensive workup. At first, I felt like something was wrong with me or that I had done something in my lifetime to cause this. But I now realize I am not alone and that there are many women out there going through the same problems I am going through! Hopefully, if any of my readers are going through the same problem as me, they can feel better knowing that there are many women out there (including myself) that are going through it as well!

DrSugar posts are for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations. Click here for more details.

9 Awkward Gym Moments You Wish You Could Take Back

When you spend a lot of time at the gym working out, embarrassing moments happen. When these things occur, it's important to laugh it off, pick yourself up, and stay on track. Hopefully these are simply memories of the past you can look back on and laugh at - and nothing feels too fresh or painful.

How Quinoa Can Help You Lose Weight

There's good reason quinoa has been a staying trend in the healthy food scene. It's delicious, nutritious, and filling, all while supporting your healthy weight-loss goals. If you're on a mission to shed a few pounds, here's why you should always have a batch ready to enjoy in your fridge.

It's high in fiber: If you can believe, just one cup of cooked quinoa offers a 21 percent of your daily recommended fiber. A high-fiber diet keeps digestion regular and keeps bloat at bay - two essential aspects of a comfortable weight-loss plan.

Related: Mix It Up: Quinoa Recipes For Any Meal

It's a solid source of protein: For vegetarians sick of beans, tofu, and tempeh or anyone who wants to back off meat at every meal, quinoa can be a lifesaver. Getting adequate protein is essential for weight-loss success, and quinoa offers a surprisingly high amount of protein for a pseudograin; just one cup offers eight grams.

Related: Breakfast For the Week: 250-Calorie Quinoa Egg Bake

It makes you feel fuller for longer: If you regularly reach for toast or rice at meal time, swapping it out for quinoa could have big benefits for your waistline. One study out of the British Journal of Nutrition found that participants felt fuller after eating quinoa, buckwheat, or oats than after eating wheat or rice.

Just Finished a Run? Try One of These Recovery Snacks

It may seem counterintuitive, but eating after a strenuous workout is a must - especially foods containing a mix of protein and carbohydrates. These nutrients are essential in helping the body replenish lost energy while also helping worked muscles repair and recover. And while sweating through an intense HIIT workout may make you feel like you earned a burger and fries, if weight loss is one of your goals, it's important to fuel the body without taking in more calories than you just burned. If you're not sure what the perfect post-workout snack looks like, here are some solid options for your next sweat session.

The Top 10 Reasons Being Strong and Healthy Makes Life More Awesome

For many people, taking the first steps toward a healthier lifestyle is all about weight loss or the size of their jeans. But once you start reaping the added benefits that come from smart changes, you'll wonder how you lived any other way! Here are the top 10 reasons being a strong, healthy, and balanced woman is well worth the effort.

5 Postrun Habits You Need to Stop Now

You're finally done with your run, but what you do afterward is just as important for your health. Are you sabotaging your fitness goals by making these mistakes? Read on to see the consequences of these post-workout habits that are a normal part of your running routine.

Mistake #1: You Forget to Stretch

Just 10 minutes of stretching can alleviate aches and pains that can last much longer if you skip out. Stretching after your run helps accelerate muscle repair and keep fascia and muscles supple, both of which are important for preventing injury and increasing flexibility. If you don't want to have to trade your running hobby for injury-induced couch time, take a few minutes after each run to stretch; these postrun stretching moves will help.

Related: Easy Hamstring Stretches For Every Runner

Mistake #2: You Don't Refuel

You're meeting friends for happy hour after a 45-minute treadmill session, and after a shower, hair and makeup session, and a round of drinks, it hits you - you're starving! Eating a post-workout snack isn't just important for your grumbling stomach, though; having a protein- and carb-rich snack between 30 minutes and two hours after you work out replenishes your muscles' energy stores as well as helps them become stronger. After all, why undo all the hard work you've done right away? Keep a simple post-workout snack in your gym bag if you're not going to be able to make or order healthy food in your two-hour window.

Related: Best Low-Calorie Snacks For After Your Workout

Mistake #3: You Don't Drink Enough Water

After a run, make sure you hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, especially if you didn't drink water during your workout. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, cramps, mood swings, and other unpleasant symptoms that are the opposite of the workout euphoria you should be feeling.

Related: 3 Signs You're Dehydrated During a Workout

Mistake #4: You Don't Change Out of Your Clothes

After-gym errands and resting on the couch can postpone shower time indefinitely, but the results aren't worth it: perma-odor on your workout clothes, body acne, and even yeast infections. Change out of your workout clothes as soon as you can, and use these tips for getting the stink out of your workout clothes.

Related: Tried and Tested: The Best Laundry Detergent For Your Fitness Gear

Mistake #5: You Don't Schedule Your Next Run

You didn't want to wake up early to go on a run, but you did and are feeling pretty proud. Instead of using it as an excuse to postpone your next run, let that enthusiasm carry you to your next workout. Pencil in your next run, find a fun running workout, and keep it consistent - your health will thank you for it.

8 Meals You ought to be Feeding on For any More youthful Light

It really is feasible for skin color being dried up, flaky, and sallow while in wintry months. Prior to going out there and expend the pay with fancy lotions and creams, look at adding nourishment to the skin on the inside out there — might know about devote our bodies is as vital to a normal shine because might know about put on the idea. Here i will discuss eight food items which will depart people shiny all year round!
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jeudi 15 octobre 2015

For this reason An individual Wake Absolutely Fatigued

Does one continually arise experiencing as you can sleeping for an additional three a long time? Certainly not people's the morning hours particular person, but once you arise so tired there is a thumping frustration, fill orange drink into ones cereal, or perhaps almost go to sleep while examining ones morning hours emails, after that something's not necessarily correct. Continue reading to discover what could be protecting against an individual from stumbling out of bed energized.
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