jeudi 1 janvier 2015

Fitness Magazine's: Must-Have Workout Tools for Under $100

Fitness Magazine's: Must-Have Workout Tools for Under $100

Reshape your body with these great Fitness accessories

You do not have to spend much
money on exercise equipment for
An elegant toned body. In an industry
full of gadgets and gizmos, some
tools - cheap - but very effective
have stood the test of time because
work your body without breaking the
bank. They are very versatile, cost only
little as $ 25 (and not more than $ 100)
and are available at most sporting goods
shops. Incorporate the following gear
and moves great coaches in their
Directory sculpt muscle, burn fat and
re-energize your workout.

  • Balance Board
($ 40 to $ 80)
Works shoulders, chest,
abs, back, hips, buttocks
Why we like it: As the exercise ball,
this device is a large toner ab. "His
core is constantly busy,
even when you are building
moved to other muscle groups, "says
Tom Seabourne, Ph.D., professor
of exercise science in northeast Texas
Community College and author of
Athletic Abs (Human Kinetics, 2003).
Bonus: Learn to balance this
tippy platform reduces their chances of
trips and falls in real life.
If u do best W: This is a favorite tool
among coaches for squats and other
support the weight moves. also win
in popularity: the Reebok Core Board,
a modified version that allows you
adjust the instability.
Move TRY: The balance board
Start in a push-up position, forming
a straight line from your head to your
heels, arms outstretched. Place one hand
on each side of the joint. maintain
a position table, has the same board
(Do not let the edges touch the ground) and
Slowly lift your right leg until it is parallel
with soil, then lower. repeat
the left leg; Do 5-8 repetitions on each side.

  • Exercise ball
($ 25 to $ 40)
Why we like it: only the stabilization
in a ball the heart works
muscles; add moving sculpture as biceps
curls or shoulder presses and you
increase the challenge. according to
Researchers at San Diego State University,
doing crunches on the ball is one of the
the first three exercises to work the right muscle
abdomen (the muscle "six-pack").
If u do best W: Exercise balls are
added to everything from ballet to Pilates
classes. "The round shape makes
highly adaptable to a variety of movements, "
Note Troy Stallman, advanced training
Chelsea Piers Sports Center in
City of New York. "They are simply
fun to work with - it feels like to be a
kid again. "
Move TRY: Knees press output
Kneel on the floor with a ball in front
that, with folded hands, pressing
funds of the hands and forearms against
the ball. Pick up your feet and shins on the floor,
balanced on his knees. Roller Ball
before until your body forms a straight line
knees to the head. Hold for a count;
return to the starting position. repeat 10
to 12 times.

  • Step bench
($ 80 to $ 100)
Works on: legs, glutes, abs; burns fat
Why we love ?: devices come Gym
and go, but the pace was maintained
People - 82 percent of all clubs offer
stage class last year. "It's a great Aerob
workout that sculpts too low
body, "says Seabourne.
If u do best W: In the Zig Zag stadium, which held a
Crunch Fitness Clubs in Atlanta two
measurements are placed in one leg of an inverted V
Meanwhile, Crunch Fitness in Miami,
instructor Kevin Creegan invented
FANTASY Paso, incorporating
flags decorated to enhance uppe
full body workout.
Move TRY: Rock climber
Face your step, the first race
quickly set up for about 20 seconds
Then down, putting her hands on
step. Keep upper body
stable and head to your audience
Others bring knees to chest
20 seconds. Return to standing position and
repeat the combo gear / knee. recover
4 sets .......


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