mardi 16 février 2016
This Quick Donkey-Kick Series Will Seriously Sculpt Your A$$
We are fans of working our glutes standing, but this simple series on all fours is a great way to isolate the backside from multiple angles. Even better: it's quick.
- Begin on all fours and lift your right leg off the floor until your knee is in line with your hip.
- Flex your foot and squeeze your glute to raise your heel an inch toward the ceiling. Continue these small, concentrated pulses for 30 reps.
- Open your right knee out to the side, keeping your foot flexed, and pulse your leg one inch to the left. You are not trying to lift the knee up, but try to keep it level as it moves behind you. You should feel your glutes firing away for all 30 pulses.
- Maintain this leg position, and without moving your foot, raise and lower your knees in a small range of motion, about an inch. This movement is really isolated to the hip socket. Do 30 knees lifts.
- Repeat all three moves on the other side to complete a set.
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