mercredi 9 mars 2016

A Mom's Message to the "Gross" and "Embarrassing" Parts of Her Body Will Remind You to Treat Yours Like a Trophy

Not only does N'tima Preusser feel like she grew gigantic during her two pregnancies, but she also feels like the world stands in judgment of what was left behind.

Along with five adorable photos, Preusser posted an inspiring caption for any woman who has ever felt less than pleased with her body - and the pressure to hide, tuck in, or get rid of their postpartum tummy.

"These pieces of me are supposed to be gross, and unacceptable and embarrassing," Preusser wrote. "But I spent way too long hating myself to add to that noise. I've spent way too long hating myself to waste any more time not loving the thing that I can attribute the most to my survival in this exhausting life."

Preusser gets real with the fact that she put food in her mouth when her brain convinced her that she didn't deserve to eat. She acknowledges that her hair is falling out in fistfuls and that some areas of skin hang lower and softer now. But most importantly, her bones have borne the weight of two perfect children and sustained them as long as it was capable. She will not let any perceived "flaws" take away from that.

"My body is my trophy," Preusser proudly added. "My scars tell my stories. My body made me a mother, but my babies made me a woman. This figure is mine."

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