mardi 15 mars 2016

Introducing Your New Favorite Way to Post a Travel Instagram

Vacationing is not only about relaxing; it's also about taking the best travel Instagram - of course! Koheun Lee's Instagram has creative inspiration for those perpetually in search of the perfect travel post.

Instead of just 'gramming the most picturesque shots from her travels, Lee invented a unique way to document her globetrotting: a cutout of herself in front of wherever she was in the world. Presently, Lee only has 362 followers, but we're guessing that will change overnight. She's also not the first person to incorporate cutouts into her feed - one user used animal cutouts to hold against colorful backgrounds and another used them to create visual puns.

We're totally sold on Lee's adorable idea, though. Let her best snaps ahead show all the places you can take your mini me.


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