mercredi 9 mars 2016

Wait Until You See What Happens When a Student Uses Donald Trump's Logic on an Assignment

For all of its issues, one thing that Common Core classroom assignments have left us with is a little bit of humor. While parents may not see the benefits of various math processes and lengthy narratives, kids are having some fun with it.

Take this student who used the extra lines on a math or economics assignment to expand on the capital of Canada. The bonus question asks students to name the capital of the country, but the student clearly doesn't know the answer. So rather than leave it blank, the student uses circular reasoning to discuss how great Canada is - language that sounds eerily similar to the way a certain US presidential candidate is known to speak - including the genius hashtag #MakeCanadaGreatAgain. The student wrote:

"Of course I know the capital of Canada. It's a great country. It's really great. Everyone wants to know what the capital of Canada is. And you know what I tell them? I tell them we have a foolproof plan for naming the capital of Canada. And that's why we're going to be the best at naming the capital of Canada. #MakeCanadaGreatAgain"

Hey - if it works for someone running to be president of the United States, why shouldn't it work on a school assignment?

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