mercredi 2 mars 2016
Why This Controversial Organizing Method Is Exactly What You Need
Letting go of clutter is hard to do. Anyone who has encountered the teachings of Japanese cleaning guru Marie Kondo knows that minimalism is currently all the rage; her housekeeping manual, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, has inspired legions of readers to throw away their unneeded belongings - and Marie Kondo's newest book, Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up is in January's POPSUGAR Must Have Box, which you can buy here! We love all things related to organization and have to admit to clearing out our drawers and closets in a fit of aspirational tidying ourselves.
Not everyone, though, is on board with KonMari, the nickname Kondo gave her techniques. As with any good trend, there's a corresponding backlash. Back in May, a writer for The New York Times extolled the virtues of living a life surrounded by things in an article called "Let's Celebrate the Art of Clutter."
Whether you're pro- or anticlutter, you must admit there's a certain calmness to be found in a well-organized drawer. Read through to see 25 examples of Marie's method at work, and see if you aren't a little inspired to take a turn at organizing your own home.
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