samedi 23 juillet 2016
This Brick Wall Optical Illusion Is Making the Internet Go INSANE
This may look like an ordinary brick wall, but it's not . . . When Manchester, UK, Facebook user Arron Bevin posted this photo, the internet flipped out. There's an optical illusion in this picture that some people see right away, while others find it totally impossible to figure out. Are you able to see what everybody is going crazy about?
Many people took to Twitter to express their befuddlement at this viral photo. Check out what they had to say:
That 'optical illusion' with the brick wall that's being thrown about Facebook today is bugging me. What the hell am I looking at?
- Steven Anderson (@Steveeeennn) May 16, 2016
what's the illusion in that brick wall photo my mind hurts already 😅
- gwen (@hemmojee) May 18, 2016
This brick wall illusion made me go loco after staring at it for about half an hour 😓😤
- Andy (@andreyyuuh) May 18, 2016
That brick wall illusion thing actually ruined my life
- jasi (@unrulyharry) May 17, 2016
Once you figure this out, you won't be able to unsee it - we promise. Let's see how long it takes!
If you want to know the answer, keep scrolling . . .
Image Source: NBC
Are you sure you want to know?
Image Source: TBS
There's a cigar wedged into the crack of two bricks toward the right side of the photo. That gray hole you see is the end of the cigar. Can you see it now?!
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