mardi 13 décembre 2016
This Little Girl and Her Real-Life Elf on the Shelf Antics Are Warming Hearts This Holiday Season
Although some might not believe in Elves on the Shelves, one little girl is proving that the holiday magic is real by bringing smiles to strangers one day at a time.
Little Esme is an adorable 9-moth-old baby girl who also doubles as a feisty Elf on the Shelf thanks to her creative parents. Each day during December her mom, Gabi, counts down to Christmas by sharing a sweet snapshot of their little elf - complete in the perfect outfit - living life to the fullest. Whether she's making herself look like Santa with a beard of bubbles or enjoying some story time with her animal friends, Esme on the Shelf will have you cracking up.
"We've been told over and over again since Esme was born that she has this crazy ability to light up a room the second she enters it, Gabi told POPSUGAR moms. "We thought this idea of 'Esme on the Shelf' would spread that light and holiday cheer to those who know Esme, and even those who don't."
For inspiration behind her adorable poses, Gabi has turned to the toy elves mischievous acts as well as her favorite holiday movie, Elf. "'Friends frequently ask, "How do you get her to make those faces? They are so fitting for every picture!'" Gabi said. "The answer is simple: She has such a big personality for being such a small person!" Check out some of Esme's sweetest moments as a baby elf!
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