lundi 7 janvier 2019
"Grandma Gone Wild" Photo Shoot Features Woman Posing For Boudoir Photos in Bathtub Full of Yarn

When Lisa Bishop, a Georgia-based grandmother of five, wanted to give her husband a portrait of herself for Christmas, she turned to her daughter Samantha - a professional photographer - for help.
"The idea started as a joke," Samantha said. "My mom is actually very modest, so when I said she should do a boudoir shoot so that she can see what I do for a living, she joked, 'Only in a bathtub full of yarn.'"
Little did Lisa know that her daughter would make good on her requirement in the most hilarious way imaginable. When it came time for the shoot, Lisa – who loves to crochet – kept her word and climbed in the tub, filled to the brim with multicolored balls of yarn. Not only that, but she played along, posing seductively with a crochet needle and reading a knitting guide book.
Samantha called the hilarious series "Grandma Gone Wild" and turned it into a photo album for Lisa to give her husband, Mike, who was quite amused with the end result.
"Peep his adorable schoolboy reaction at the end," she told her followers on Facebook of the photos, which culminated with a handful of shots of her dad paging through the album. "Literally made this whole thing a thousand times better."
What's more: Mike isn't the only one who is a fan of this silly-yet-sexy keepsake. Samantha's post went viral – it was shared more than 62,000 times! – and among the 15,000 comments were many from people wanting their own version. So, by popular demand, Samantha released a "Grandma's Gone Wild" calendar on Etsy for $25, and it comes with some extra, never-before-seen images of Lisa, this time in the bedroom.
But don't worry, the bed's filled with yarn, too.
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