mercredi 21 juin 2017
13 Reasons Your Kid Is a Brat That Are Completely Your Fault
Parenting can feel like an uphill battle, no matter your child's age. Not only is there a lot of pressure, but it also feels like whatever you're doing is constantly being scrutinized by strangers, friends, and family.
If you're involved in your kids' lives, then you hear that you're a helicopter parent and you're raising a fragile child. If you leave your children alone and try to let them work things out on their own, then you're neglectful. It seems as though no matter what there's someone there to tell you that you're doing it wrong.
However, a lot of issues with brattiness are the parents' fault - or at least become the parents' responsibility to fix. Although children might pick up bad behavior by modeling what they see on TV or at school, parents are still to blame if they don't put an end to it or just attribute it to age.
"It's not really fair; it's just kind of the way it is," Elaine Rose Glickman, author of Your Kid's a Brat and It's All Your Fault, told POPSUGAR. "If we don't teach our kids a better way, nobody else is stepping up to do so."
The first step to breaking that bratty behavior is realizing what you're doing to contribute to it. Here, the 13 problematic things that parents of spoiled kids do.
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