dimanche 25 juin 2017
15 Dads Reveal What Being in the Delivery Room Was Really Like
When a woman goes into labor, she and the baby who is about to make his or her grand entrance into the world quickly become the center of attention. Many fathers fear this exact moment - when all eyes are on Mom - because they worry about exactly what they'll see. From having to "helplessly" stand by while your partner is in agonizing pain to fears of being squeamish in the "splash zone," being in the delivery room can be rough on dads, too. However, this is also a remarkable time, and instead of keeping their delivery room fears or experiences to themselves, some dads opened up on Reddit to share what this moment was really like for them (spoiler: no man ever has it as bad as a woman!). Check out what it's honestly like to be a guy on the other side of childbirth from 15 anonymous dads.
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