jeudi 9 août 2018

Princess Diana's Wedding Can Teach All Kids This 1 Important Lesson

As a new parent, I've already started to think about the sorts of things I'll teach my daughter . . . and the sorts of things I'll show her. The distinction for me, of course, is about creating an environment in which she absorbs certain lessons simply by being exposed to them. And while our family has received a fair amount of enlightening feminist books that teach empowerment and courage (so far Rosie Revere Engineer is my favorite), I'm especially looking forward to teaching her - nay, showing her - that Mom and Dad are equals.

Gender equality in the home was something I was fortunate enough to be exposed to growing up, and all parents can lean on a number of different resources to provide similar lessons for their children. One place we can all look to, surprisingly, is Princess Diana's legacy.

Related: 10 Times Princess Diana Proved How Badass Moms Can Be

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