vendredi 9 juin 2017
50 Ways to Feel Better About Yourself Right Now
When you're feeling down, turn things around with a few tips and tricks for thinking about things differently. No need to wallow when there are quick and simple ways to feel better about yourself. Feeling down can be triggered by a bad hair day, not being able to get over a mistake, or waking up 10 minutes late. Stop beating yourself up and try one of these suggestions:
- Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and visualize things working out.
- Give yourself a quick pep talk.
- Get in front of a mirror or your phone and smile. Take a minute to acknowledge your looks and appreciate your favorite part of your face. Selfies are a great form of self-care.
- Write down five things that you are proud of and stick the list in your wallet to pull out to remind yourself that you're awesome.
- Call a friend and tell them you're feeling down. Sometimes just admitting you're not feeling great makes things better instantly.
- Watch a silly pet video.
- Give yourself an at-home manicure with a color you regularly wouldn't wear and flaunt it.
- Make a coffee date with a good friend and ask them what they like about you.
- Take a deep breath, acknowledge things aren't going your way, and move on with your day.
- Stop with negative self-talk. Switch the thoughts of negativity to positive mantras, such as "I am strong!"
- Write out a list of goals that are realistic and carry them with you.
- Put down your phone and pay attention to what's going on around you. Just spending a few moments appreciating nature, unique faces, and the hustle and bustle gets your mind off things.
- Zen out and meditate. Close your eyes, take 10 deep breaths, and imagine something relaxing.
- Stop comparing yourself to others! By trying to be similar to someone else, you're forgetting what's awesome about you.
- You only get one body, so take care of it. Eat healthy, get some exercise, and you'll feel better in no time. And working out is a distraction from being in the dumps.
- Arrange a personal shopping session at your favorite store and enjoy letting someone else dress you. There's no pressure to purchase any of the clothes, unless you want to treat yourself to something new.
- Give yourself an at-home facial.
- Go ahead and cry it out.
- Write down what you're thankful for.
- Take a walk by yourself. Stay in the moment, breathe in and out, and slow down.
- Invite your friends over for a night in.
- Sing like no one can hear you. Really, it will change your mood in no time.
- Talk to the person standing next to you in line. There's nothing to be afraid of - just make a bit of small talk, which is a fun way to connect with strangers and enjoy a laugh.
- Clean your desk and start fresh.
- Go through your closet and make a collection of clothes to donate. You'll feel better knowing your clothes will go to someone in need.
- Give flowers to a good friend. The simple act of giving always lifts spirits.
- Pet a dog or cat, which instantly calms nerves and lowers blood pressure.
- Relive a favorite memory and hold on to the feeling.
- Give someone a hug.
- Smile big at a stranger. Once you start, it's hard to stop.
- Put your shoulders back and act like you're walking the red carpet. Even though you're faking it, you'll help elevate your mood.
- Do something different and change up your routine.
- Grab your journal and write about what's bothering you.
- Smell the flowers - or treat yourself to a stunning bouquet.
- Stop thinking about that person you're crushing on and just ask them out!
- Turn that frown upside down. Literally. Push negative thoughts to the side and think about something positive.
- Plan the ultimate vacation, focusing on everything you want to do. Write down all the awesome places you'd like to explore and keep it handy when you need to focus on a better place.
- Create a power board filled with pictures of yourself with loved ones along with inspirational words and images.
- Forgive yourself. That's right. Stop giving yourself a hard time over things you can't control and give yourself a break.
- Stop with should-have-could-have scenarios. You can't change the past, but you can put your best foot forward.
- Indulge in something you love and remind yourself why it's one of your favorite things.
- Love yourself and practice kindness.
- Give up trying to be perfect and just be you.
- Reflect on your accomplishments and acknowledge that you are pretty awesome.
- Accomplish something on your to-do list.
- Pick up a hobby.
- Check out Positively Positive.
- Remember it's OK to say "no" when you're feeling overwhelmed.
- Challenge yourself to try something new.
- Acknowledge your feelings. It's totally natural to feel insecure, and admitting it is courageous.
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