mardi 25 juillet 2017
11 Goya Products You Can Find in Pretty Much Every Latinx's Pantry
It's safe to say that just about any Latinx household in the US has at least one or two products from the homeland that remain staples in their kitchens. Lucky for all of us, Goya offers dozens and dozens of authentic products you can find in just about any big-name grocery store, as well as online. Seriously, think about where else you could find nopales in a jar. Or the ingredients to make a killer tamal. Or peppers hot enough to actually taste spicy to you. Without the brand, we would be quite lost in the kitchen . . . or at least broke from spending all our money shipping ingredients we need to cook with from Latin America.
From spices to canned vegetables to desserts and snacks, these are the products you probably stock up on during every supermarket run. (If you don't, start now.)
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