jeudi 27 juillet 2017

6 Perfect Babymoon Destinations You Need to Visit Before It's Too Late

The best part of getting pregnant? Well, obviously, the long-awaited arrival of that adorable bundle of joy. The second best part? The babymoon! There's a great deal to consider when planning your last hurrah before baby. From timing to distance, there is a lot of thought and planning that is essential to picking a babymoon destination.

In terms of travel times, during your second trimester is your best bet. By then, morning sickness has probably subsided, and while you haven't hit your third trimester, it is still safe to fly. However, you probably shouldn't be airborne for more than three or four hours. In terms of location, it is extremely important to avoid any destinations that are at risk of the Zika virus. Although you may be desperate to hit up the Bahamas, the health of you and your baby is most important.

Now that we've covered the basics, it's time to discover six babymoon destinations from Nantucket to Hawaii where the only disease your baby might catch is the travel bug!

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