vendredi 14 juillet 2017

7 Lesser-Known Ways to Help You on Your Weight-Loss Journey

Losing weight isn't as dramatic as inspiring before-and-after reveal may imply. It's an ongoing journey filled with triumphs and missteps. While it's not untrue to say that most successful weight-loss journeys are due to moving more and eating healthier, there are small tweaks you can do every day that can make all the difference in helping you reach your goals.

  1. Opt for shorter workouts. Shorten the amount of time you spend working out by maximizing your efforts and focusing on intensity. Short, intense workouts are just as effective as longer ones, which lets you reap the calorie-burning rewards. Start with one of these at-home Tabata workouts that will work your entire body!
  2. Eat foods that fight fat. Since every calorie counts, make sure to eat foods that fight fat, like almonds and oatmeal, as well as soybeans and sweet potatoes. Don't fear the MUFAs either; monounsaturated fatty acids fight belly fat, so make sure to add avocado and nuts like almonds to your daily diet.
  3. Exercise in the morning. Finding time to exercise no matter what time of day is important, but if you need that little extra push when it comes to burning calories, then try exercising in the morning. Studies have found that people who exercise in the morning work out harder than those who exercise at other times in the day.
  4. Speed up your metabolism. Burn major calories no matter what you're doing by increasing your metabolism. Simple things like upping your strength-training routine and eating breakfast can make your body burn more calories. Read on for more tips on how to boost your metabolism.
  5. Practice portion control. Portion control is essential for losing weight and keeping it off. Healthy foods like nuts and avocado still pack on the pounds when eaten in excess. Make sure to check the serving size on food labels, and invest in some of these handy products that help keep portions in check. The key is to always strive for balance and moderation on your plate.
  6. Spice things up. Adding an extra dash of spice at any meal may just help you burn a few more calories for the day. That sprinkling of cinnamon on your morning latte can lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar, and that turmeric in your spicy dinner can slow down the growth of fat tissue in your body. Capsaicin, the chemical in peppers that makes them hot, also boosts metabolism.
  7. Join a fitness or weight-loss community. Whether it's a national program like Weight Watchers or an online community like BBG, being part of a weight-loss community is a great way to find support on this sometimes difficult journey. Aside from utilizing the program's tools, many sites allow you to leave comments and messages on other members' profiles.

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