samedi 29 juillet 2017

7 Things You Can Do This Weekend to Feel Damn Good

When it's time to head into the freakin' weekend, your instinct may be to line your days up with plans on top of plans. While that's totally fine, you also want to be selective about what you tack on from time to time to optimize your happy. Choose to do things that you know will make you feel good. You only have a couple of days (though we should really work on extending that), so you might as well take advantage of them! This weekend, do these seven things to boost your mood and positivity.

  1. Spend quality time with friends: Instead of hitting the bars or the club, switch things up and opt for something a little more low-key. Catch up in someone's living room (optional: bottle of wine) or make dinner together. Any bonding activity that allows you and your friend(s) to reconnect will feel much more fulfilling.
  2. Work out: Go for a run around your neighborhood or book your favorite studio class. Anything that gets your blood pumping and you sweating will help you release those feel-good chemicals. Exercise is a fantastic stress-reliever overall and will make you feel so much better by the end.
  3. Plan your next vacation: Give yourself something to look forward to! Most of the fun is in the planning process anyway, and searching for that next destination can be so exciting. If a trip isn't within reach at the moment, start a travel bucket list that you can eventually start tackling.
  4. Get inspired: Those moments when you feel a jolt of energy to begin a new habit, change old ones, or embrace a new challenge can be happy triggers. Look for opportunities that will help boost personal drive, whether it's attending a talk or even people-watching.
  5. Do something fun you've been putting off: If seeing that movie before it leaves theaters is on your list, set aside some time and finally do it. It can be as simple as wanting to finish a book you started months ago. Whatever sounds like a good time to you is a good option.
  6. Treat yourself: Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can definitely help. Sometimes going shopping or indulging in a nice meal is enough to up your mood. Just don't go too crazy.
  7. Take time to chill: It's always good to hit pause and give yourself a breather from plans and errands. Allow yourself time to recharge, whether it's a nap or a couple hours of your favorite show. Your mind and body will be in a better state, and as a result, you'll be able to enjoy your weekend that much more.


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