dimanche 9 juillet 2017

Dad Has His Twins Act Out The Shining in Hotels to Freak People Out

Martin Hughes has come up with a prank that manifests itself as the ultimate dad joke: he makes his twin daughters act out The Shining in hotels to freak people out. Hughes tweeted a photo of his girls standing still in a hotel hallway holding hands with the caption: "Love making my girls do this in hotels to sh*t people up, makes the grief of having twins worthwhile."

According to Hughes, he's been cooking up prank ideas, especially this one, since he and his partner found out they were having twins. "As soon as we found out we were having identical twins I thought The Shining," he told BuzzFeed News. "As they've gotten older and we can travel and stay in hotels, it was a given that I'd get them to stand holding hands in the hallway for a joke."

Although the girls look fairly different from the actors in the movie, they've totally freaked a few people out already. "They're too young to leave there to spook people directly, but when we've had them do the pose then stood back and someone's turned the corner they've gasped and gone a little green," he said. "I jokingly taught them 'Come and play with us' not long ago and now they do it around the house while holding hands and standing still. They're going to love Halloween in a couple of years."

Dad jokes for the win.


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