vendredi 7 juillet 2017
Every Time You Pee, Do These 3 Things to Help You Lose Weight
Quick fixes usually don't cut it when it comes to losing weight and getting toned, but this one-minute trick actually works! Take into consideration this little fact: the average woman pees six to eight times in a 24-hour period, so that's about five to seven times while you're awake. And if you have issues with your bladder (thank you, pregnancy!) or you drink a ton of water each day, your ladies' room visits are more like 10 times a day.
So this means you have six to 10 opportunities to fit in a little fitness. Every time you hit the bathroom, whether it's to pee or touch up your lipstick, do the workout below that should take about one minute.
The Workout: Complete once
10 push-ups (lower the knees if you need to)
10 squats
10 alternating forward lunges (five per side)
If you're using a public bathroom, do not get on the floor to do your push-ups! Just lean your hands on the counter, then after your lunges, you can wash your hands. Maybe you can even get some of your co-workers to do it with you! If the bathroom you're using is so public that you feel weird doing this mini workout in front of anyone, find a spot somewhere else where you can pump out this one-minute bodyweight workout without feeling self-conscious. But do it immediately after leaving the bathroom. If you wait, you're more likely to forget.
So let's say you use the bathroom six times in a day. That adds up to 60 push-ups, 60 squats, and 60 alternating lunges. That's a pretty decent workout for not hitting the gym, because remember - every minute of exercise counts!
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