samedi 22 juillet 2017
Gaining Weight? Your Healthy Breakfast May Be to Blame
You're not downing doughnuts or pounding piles of pancakes with maple syrup. You're choosing healthy breakfasts like green smoothies, oatmeal, and homemade baked goods. But the scale doesn't lie - pounds are creeping on, and you're wondering what gives. That healthy breakfast could be the culprit, and here are three reasons why.
But Nuts and Avocado Are Healthy
Whether you're into smoothies, bowls of cereal, or omelets, be careful about all the high-calorie ingredients you love to add on. We're talking nuts, nut butters, dried fruit, avocado, and cheese - adding these to your breakfast can rack calories up quickly. Don't shy away from these nutritious ingredients; just be sure to keep track of how many you're adding so your breakfast doesn't contain more calories than a cinnamon bun. For smoothies, use water instead of milk, fill up on greens, drink half the smoothie, and follow these other calorie-cutting tips.
Yeah, That's a Cup
When you're in a rush, a bowl of cereal or oatmeal is a quick, healthy option. But if you just eyeball portion sizes and mindlessly pour to fill the bowl, you may end up with three times the recommended serving size. Keep measuring cups and spoons on hand during breakfast time so no matter what you're noshing on, you can easily measure and know exactly how many calories you're taking in.
These Muffins Are Made With Flax!
It's fun to health-ify your favorite breakfast baked-good recipes like muffins, quick breads, scones, and pancakes, but just because you switched the butter for Earth Balance and replaced half the sugar with mashed banana doesn't mean your healthy treats are that much lower in calories. Definitely enjoy getting all of Julia Child's ideas in the kitchen, but be mindful about how many banana avocado oatmeal muffin wrappers you're unwrapping. Pair your baked good with a smoothie or some fresh fruit - the protein and fiber will satiate your hunger much longer than if you just scarfed down a huge chunk of pumpkin bread.
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