dimanche 30 juillet 2017

Get Off the Couch! 99 Free Things to Do Outside the Home

While you may be tight on cash, you should still be able to have a good time! If you're feeling like staying in, there are many free ways to entertain yourself without spending money. But when you venture outdoors, it can be all too easy to spend money! To solve this problem, I've rounded up 99 free things to do outside the home, from exploring your local community to the greater outdoors. These cash-free activities are guaranteed to be a great time and won't hurt your bank account!

  1. Attend a free concert in your area.
  2. Go on a hike.
  3. Walk your dog (or whatever kind of pet you have!).
  4. Go on a photography adventure.
  5. Go to the community library and check out a new book.
  6. Organize a mini boot camp for you and your friends. You'll get a great workout and have fun with friends.
  7. Go to your favorite park.
  8. Organize your own walking tour of your city! Make sure to include interesting historical and cultural sites in your town.
  9. Attend a free museum. Check your local museums for special deals.
  10. Do some yoga outdoors. Extra points if you bring friends along!
  11. Chat with a bilingual friend (either in person or on the phone) to brush up on your language skills.
  12. Do some amateur star gazing.
  13. Volunteer your time at a shelter or soup kitchen.
  14. Attend a free yoga class.
  15. Meditate.
  16. Attend a religious service.
  17. Go for a run.
  18. Go swimming at a friend's house or a community pool.
  19. Go for a wandering hike. Just step out your door and see where you go!
  20. Help out a disabled or elderly family member or friend.
  21. Go on a bike ride.
  22. Attend free art classes in your community.
  23. Attend a dress rehearsal of a local play or concert.
  24. Tour a factory (Hershey's, Jelly Belly, or even a brewing company).
  25. Visit art galleries in your city.
  26. Go to a karaoke night.
  27. Tour the street art in your city.
  28. Visit your city hall. It's a great way to learn about your city's history.
  29. Attend a reading at your local bookstore.
  30. Venture into the wilderness to watch wild animals.
  31. Go to an observatory for a view of your city or town!
  32. Watch the sunset. Bring your significant other along!
  33. Sunbathe.
  34. Pack a picnic lunch - use whatever is in your cupboard!
  35. Make your own scavenger hunt for you and your friends! (Losers buy winners a drink).
  36. Have a bonfire.
  37. Go to the comedy night at your local cafe.
  38. Play tennis at a free court in the park.
  39. Use a free week at a new gym.
  40. Join an intramural team.
  41. Go geocaching (find out more at Geocaching.com)
  42. Make your own bouquets from local flowers, either for yourself or for friends.
  43. Take a full-moon walk.
  44. Play flashlight tag.
  45. Watch a sunrise.
  46. Climb a tree.
  47. Play Frisbee with friends.
  48. Go to a grandparent's house and teach them how to text.
  49. Visit the SPCA.
  50. Go to a farmers market - you will be full from all of the samples!
  51. Walk across your city's bridge.
  52. Go rock climbing. Check your local rock climbing facility or sports equipment store for details.
  53. Go to your first free class at an exercise facility.
  54. Attend a free outdoor movie.
  55. Audit a college lecture class.
  56. Go rollerskating.
  57. Explore a new part of your city or neighborhood.
  58. Host a potluck picnic. Have all of your friends bring something from their cupboard!
  59. Sketch or draw outdoors.
  60. Window shop.
  61. Fly a kite.
  62. Reread your favorite book at your favorite park.
  63. Sell old clothing to a consignment shop.
  64. Daydream.
  65. Stage a water balloon fight.
  66. Listen to the radio.
  67. Go camping.
  68. Go fishing at a local lake, pond or pier.
  69. Make s'mores.
  70. Go on a scenic drive.
  71. Go on a coffee date.
  72. Pet sit for a family member or friend.
  73. Go to a high school or college sports game.
  74. Attend a Home Depot workshop.
  75. Explore a creepy haunted house.
  76. Volunteer at an archaeological dig.
  77. Attend a free mixer.
  78. Have a Nerf war with your friends!
  79. Go open house hopping.
  80. Check out local garage sales.
  81. Hang out or talk on the phone with old childhood friends.
  82. Play beach volleyball with friends.
  83. Garden in your neighborhood.
  84. Watch planes take off at the airport.
  85. Go sailing with a friend (preferably one who knows how to sail!).
  86. Learn how to skateboard.
  87. Explore your city's downtown.
  88. People watch.
  89. Jump rope (it's great exercise!)
  90. Perfect your football spiral.
  91. Go body surfing. All you need is your body and some waves!
  92. Play baseball at a local park.
  93. Take your own inner tube and go rafting!
  94. Play sloshball with a big group of friends.
  95. Visit a farm.
  96. Go to the aquarium or zoo on special free days.
  97. Go horseback riding. Many riding facilities offer free first classes - check your local stables for more info!
  98. Write your own poetry at your favorite outlook.
  99. Go on a blind date.

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