jeudi 13 juillet 2017

Kellyanne Conway Becomes a Victim of Her Own Flash Cards and Turns Into a Meme

In case you needed yet another reason to laugh at the state of politics and government in this country, Kellyanne Conway is here to save the day. During an interview on Hannity on July 12, Conway pulled out two pieces of white paper to explain the Donald Trump Jr. email scandal. She made her point loud and clear - except it probably wasn't the one she intended, as those pieces of paper instantly became internet meme fodder.

Up until the point when she pulled out the flash cards, the interview with Sean Hannity was going as expected. Conway blamed the media for obsessively covering the email scandal and the ongoing Russia investigation, and Hannity, of course, agreed. She then held up two pieces of white paper; one said conclusion and collusion, and the other said illusion and delusion. Conway then said,

"This is to help all the people at home. What's the conclusion? Collusion? No, we don't have that yet. I see illusion and delusion. Just so we're clear everyone. Conclusion? Collusion, no. Illusion and delusion, yes."

You can watch a full clip of the exchange above, but the real fun began when the internet immediately started schooling Conway on why one should think twice about holding up pieces of paper on TV. And this, the Trump administration's newest meme, #KellyCards was born.

Some decided to insert characters from movies and TV into the meme.

Conway however doesn't appear to be fazed.

To Conway, these memes are probably all alternative facts to her anyways.

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