dimanche 9 juillet 2017
Mom Warns About the Common Bedroom Item That Killed Her Infant
Jordan DeRosier, a heartbroken mom from Washington, shared her grief in a Facebook post after suddenly losing her 7-month-old son when he became entangled in his blanket at bedtime.
The incident seemed innocent enough at first but resulted in any mother's worst nightmare. "He was laid down with this blanket made by his great-grandmother, and one other blanket, a grey one he had been attached to since birth," she said.
According to the mother of two, tragedy struck when her son Sloan somehow pulled the blanket over his head and got it stuck between the bars of his crib.
Her post serves as a cautionary tale to parents begging them to reconsider putting their infants to bed with loose blankets until they're older. "You never think it will be your baby," she warned. "Please do not put your baby to bed with a blanket. Please. He was 7 months old. I thought because he was crawling, standing on his own, and climbing that he would be fine with a blanket."
DeRosier's emotional post also counters comments that blame vaccinations for her son's untimely death. "To those who keep commenting and messaging trying to blame vaccines for our son's death - stop," she wrote.
A 2016 report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that approximately 3,500 infants die annually in the US from sleep-related deaths, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), ill-defined deaths, and accidental suffocation and strangulation."
The AAP recommends waiting until the child is at least 1 year old before introducing any blankets, bumpers, or sheets into the crib to avoid any breathing obstructions and overheating.
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