dimanche 23 juillet 2017
Mom's Emotional Letter on Her Girls' Adoption: "I Don't Love You 'Like You're My Own'"
When Jamie adopted her two youngest daughters and officially expanded her family to six, she commemorated the occasion with a heartfelt letter that explains exactly how much these little ones are loved.
On this day, Jamie cherished the fact that there is no longer a prefix, subtext, or "sort of" to their relationship. "You're not my foster daughter, I don't love you 'like you're my own,'" the mom-of-four shared on her blog, Foster the Family. "Today you are wholly, completely, for forever my daughter."
When the girls were first dropped off at their home, Jamie explained that she and her husband chose to love them like daughters and that they made this decision before they even had a chance to fall in love with them. "But the falling happened. After bursting into our family, you eased into our lives and hearts," Jamie wrote. "The formalities of our state-regulated, court-appointed, 'temporary' relationship faded away. We dropped the 'foster' from your title, and you simply became 'daughter.'"
She then eloquently explained how this day was different than when she birthed her oldest two children. Instead, it felt most similar to when she married their new daddy. "I met him. Then I fell in love with him, knew I would spend the rest of my life with him, and then came the day to make it official," she explained. "Papers were signed, names were changed, ceremonies were had, but I didn't love him any more than I had the day before. He was the same. I was the same. Nothing had changed. But everything had. After that day, we belonged to each other, officially, forever."
As she concluded her monumental note, Jamie vowed to love both girls forever on the day when nothing and yet everything changed.
I believe that, as of today, our family is now complete. That the six of us will be at this "family" thing, just us, forever. As far as I can see, our growing family has finished growing. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe others will join this little unit of ours. But, I know, I know, that no matter what, we are a family now. Forever.
This day, this adoption day, is one of the happiest days of my life. Today, I become your mother. Today, you become my daughter.
Happy Adoption Day, my dear daughter, I love you.Love,
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