dimanche 2 juillet 2017
Taste the States: 50 Iconic American Foods
Despite the growing number of chain restaurants across America, regional cuisine remains as vast as our continent is wide. Some may travel far distances just for a taste of authentic, iconic state dishes, but to know the history behind their creation is another story. For instance, do you know who invented the first Philly cheesesteak? How about the California Cobb salad? We've gathered 50 dishes from 50 states to prime you about the dishes you love. Be forewarned: this slideshow will make you hungry.
Jump ahead to:
- Alabama through Hawaii
- Idaho through Montana
- Nebraska through Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island through Wyoming
- Additional reporting by Susannah Chen, Nancy Einhart, Lauren Hendrickson, Nicole Perry, and Sara Yoo
Source: Flickr users stu_spivack, goodiesfirst, garysoup, maveric2003, Pete Karl II, cyclonebill, Francis Bourgouin, and Southern Foodways Alliance.
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