mardi 18 juillet 2017

The 9 Moms You Meet at Target

Ahhh . . . Target. The shopping mecca full of everything a mom could need, from diapers and organic milk to antiwrinkle creams, curtains, and Sauvignon Blanc, all well stocked, nicely displayed, and easy to reach - even when you're also holding a squirming toddler. Many a mom has fallen under the Target spell, entering with a short shopping list and emerging an hour later with an overflowing cart and a bank account that's hundreds of dollars lighter. Don't worry: we know you needed that brass bar cart.

You'll encounter all kinds of moms during a shopping trip to "Tarjay," from the harried to the blissful. Here are nine Target personalities we're sure you'll recognize. Be sure to look out for us in the designer collaboration section!


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