mercredi 19 juillet 2017
The Surprising Reason a Men's-Only "Penis Seat" Was Installed on This Subway
A polarizing social experiment in Mexico City has triggered a larger conversation about sexual harassment on public transportation. In conjunction with the local government, UN Women installed a graphic seat molded in the shape of a male torso - penis included - on one of the city's busiest trains. A sign above the seat indicates that it is exclusively for men, and another sign on the floor states, "It is annoying to travel this way, but not compared to the sexual violence women suffer in their daily commutes."
In a video about the experiment, passengers - who appear to be paid actors - are shown having mixed reactions. Some laugh at the sight of the seat or take pictures, while others appear disgusted and deeply inconvenienced.
Much like the passengers in the video, people online have also expressed varied opinions on the viral PSA. While it has gotten people talking, some people felt as though the campaign makes light of sexual harassment. Others wondered how effective it would really be at preventing future incidents. Read some reactions ahead and search the hashtag #NoEsDeHombres for more.
Sexual harassment is no joke, but I think think this is putting it in the funny category, actually ridiculous.
- Keith Dawson 🇮🇱 (@kwetterkeith) March 31, 2017
With something as dire as sexual harassment awareness, you have to be direct to make people understand. Go Mexico City! #NoEsDeHombres
- 🌿ivy🌿 (@IvyPoitras) March 31, 2017
Of course it's manspreading.
- Tara K. Reed (@DoorflowerCo) March 27, 2017
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