lundi 17 juillet 2017
These Game of Thrones Names Are the Obvious Choice For Parents Obsessed With the Show
If you're as obsessed with Game of Thrones as we are, we'd find it hard to believe your mind hasn't wandered to the thought of raising your own little Arya Stark or Jon Snow - by name only, of course (ain't nobody got time to raise a man for the Night's Watch). To pay tribute to the best show on television, why not consider a baby name with a tie to King's Landing or Winterfell? House Stark could sure use a few more members these days . . .
Scroll through for 50 of the best baby names inspired by Game of Thrones.
- Bran (Stark)
- Bronn
- Daario (Naharis)
- Davos (Seaworth)
- Eddard (Stark)
- Jaime (Lannister)
- Joffrey (Baratheon)
- Jon (Snow)
- Jorah (Mormont)
- Khal (Drogo)
- Oberyn (Martell)
- Petyr (Baelish)
- Ramsay (Snow/Bolton)
- Renly (Baratheon)
- Rickon (Stark)
- Robb (Stark)
- Robin (Arryn)
- Samwell (Tarly)
- Sandor (Clegane)
- Stannis (Baratheon)
- Theon (Greyjoy)
- Tommen (Baratheon)
- Tormund (Giantsbane)
- Tyrion (Lannister)
- Varys
- Arya (Stark)
- Brienne (of Tarth)
- Catelyn (Stark)
- Cersei (Lannister)
- Daenerys (Targaryen)
- Ellaria (Sand)
- Gilly
- Khaleesi
- Lyanna (Stark)
- Lysa (Arryn)
- Margaery (Tyrell)
- Meera (Reed)
- Melisandre
- Missandei
- Myrcella (Baratheon)
- Nymeria (Sand)
- Olenna (Tyrell)
- Sansa (Stark)
- Shae
- Shireen (Baratheon)
- Ros
- Talisa (Stark)
- Tyene (Sand)
- Yara (Greyjoy)
- Ygritte
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