vendredi 21 juillet 2017

This 1 Game of Thrones Prop Proves How Insane the Show's Attention to Detail Is

Keeping track of the twisted web of deceit, betrayals, and death that makes up Game of Thrones is a challenge all on its own, so we can't even imagine what it's like to be in charge of the fantasy epic's prop department. Fortunately whoever is in charge of cataloguing all of the fake hands, daggers, wine goblets, and dragon eggs is doing one hell of a job, as evidenced by a very important detail in the season seven premiere.

In the episode, new King in the North Jon Snow calls upon the two young, surviving members of House Karstark and House Umber, Alys and Ned, to pledge their allegiances to the Starks in exchange for getting to keep their families' estates (both the Karstarks and Umbers betrayed the Starks by siding with Ramsay Bolton in season six). They agree and draw out their swords for the ceremonial kneel before their new king, which is when Reddit user jackisano picked up on a pretty crazy detail that's spanned the show's seven seasons.

The sword Ned is holding has the same circular detail on the crossguard that is also featured on Jon "Greatjon" Umber's sword in season one, as well as the blade wielded by Jon "Smalljon" Umber during his rousing speech to Ramsay Bolton's army in season six's Battle of the Bastards.

A life-changing detail? No. An extremely cool detail that proves just how dedicated the Game of Thrones production team is to creating an authentic Westeros? Hell yes.

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