dimanche 30 juillet 2017

This 2-Year-Old Survived After Being Knowingly Left in a Hot Car, but It's Not a Happy Ending

If you've seen one video of a baby being rescued after being left in a scorching hot car, you've seen one too many. So when a YouTube video from the scene of a similar rescue in New Jersey was posted last night, we almost didn't want to watch. But we did, and so should you. Why?

Because as long as it keeps happening, we - not just moms or dads or grandparents - need to be reminded about the very real consequences. Because although this video had a "good ending," as one commenter noted, we can't help but wonder if "good" is the best description. Yes, the 2-year-old boy left inside a minivan on a hot July day in a Costco parking lot survived. Police noted that he was drenched in sweat, and when the mother - who, judging by the vehicle's windows being rolled down an inch, knowingly left the toddler - returned to the car with another child and a full cart of groceries, all she said was "sorry."

Chaeyoung Lim-Kim was arrested and charged with child endangerment and released on her own recognizance. Her son was taken to the hospital and is now in the custody of his father. This family's life has been turned upside down.

So if any "good" can come from this, let it be that you will always remember your baby in the backseat and that you will always, always stop to help a child in danger.

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