mercredi 19 juillet 2017

This X-Ray of a Grape Stuck in a Child's Throat Needs to Be Shared

Although grapes are a healthy snack for little ones, many parents don't realize just how dangerous this fruit can be if it's not cut properly.

Not only should grapes never be served to children uncut, but it's just as important to slice them lengthwise in particular to prevent them from getting lodged in a child's throat, as the width of a grape is the same size as a small child's airway. Most importantly, this warning isn't just for parents of toddlers. Angela Henderson, an Australian blogger, proved this point by sharing an X-ray image of a grape lodged in a 5-year-old's throat, and the image is going viral as a stark reminder to parents.

"Please be mindful that not all kids chew their food, are in a rush at school to get in the playground, etc.," Angela wrote on Facebook. "Please be careful. And when in doubt just cut the damn grapes [and] baby tomatoes."

According to Angela, this little boy had to be operated on under general anesthesia in order to remove the grape. She explained his mom gave permission for the X-ray to be shared in the hopes of raising awareness so no other family makes the same mistake. "He is VERY lucky that part of his airway was open, or else this could have ended badly."

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