jeudi 6 juillet 2017

We'll Bet You Didn't Notice Spider-Man's Very Subtle Cameo in Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 has classic Tony Stark one-liners, some unforgettable dance moves courtesy of Justin Hammer, and oh, yeah, a super-sneaky cameo from Spider-Man. While Spider-Man: Homecoming's director, Jon Watts, recently sat down with UPROXX, he revealed that the boy Tony Stark saves in the finale of the film is actually a young Peter Parker (which you can watch above).

"I was watching all these other movies and being like, 'What if that little kid at the Stark Expo was Peter Parker? In the Iron Man mask,'" he said. "Like, he'd be about the right age for that. And he loves Tony Stark. 'Oh, what about after the Avengers battle, who would clean that stuff up?' Because they mention damage control at one point in the movie. So it's this thing where, because it's not completely figured out, that you can just go back and basically write fan fiction for those movies, then the fan fiction becomes reality."

The latter reference to damage control is a call-out to Michael Keaton's Vulture character in Homecoming, whose clean-up crew is hired to help clear some of the debris left behind by the Avengers' Battle of New York. "A lot of the Easter eggs in [Homecoming] just started by rewatching the movies," Watts added. "I mean, I remember watching that [Iron Man 2 scene] with [President of Marvel Studios] Kevin Feige and everyone and being like, 'Does the math work on that?' He was like, 'It might, maybe.' Then I found out that was Jon Favreau's kid." So really, we all have Max Favreau to thank for Marvel's latest Easter egg.

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