mercredi 5 juillet 2017

Why This Sweet Act of Kindness From a Police Officer Is Going Viral

Sometimes a helping hand in a sticky situation makes all the difference - especially if you're stranded on the side of the road with three little kids.

Autumn Snyder, a mother of three from Alabama, found herself in a less than ideal situation when her car broke down on the side of a busy highway two hours away from home.

Nervous about the fast-paced traffic, Snyder opted to wait in the car until help arrived. "I wouldn't get the baby out of his seat to feed him in case we got smacked by another vehicle on the highway, he was the safest in his seat. We called dispatch and AAA and an Alabama State Trooper showed up to help," Snyder wrote in a Facebook post.

While her husband, Sean, stayed with the broken-down car, a police officer loaded Autumn and her children into his cruiser and drove them out of harm's way to the nearest rest stop.

But he didn't stop there.

"He checked the bathroom for 'boogiemans' so Madeline could use the restroom. He shot illuminating helicopters in the sky with the kids while I made calls to try to get [us] home," Snyder wrote. "Major got really fussy when I was trying to wrangle my other children and calm them down from the evenings happenings. Without hesitation, he took Major out of his seat and gave him the bottle I had prepared from earlier."

When the tow truck finally arrived, the officer took it one step further and got the Snyder family situated in a hotel, despite the late hour. "He then helped unload all of our stuff from our car to his and drove our family to the nearest hotel. It was late, nothing was open, and we couldn't get a rental car until the morning," Snyder said. "He helped unload our unruly amount of crap into our hotel room, told us where all the rental car places were, gave the girls a hug, and told us to call if we needed anything. That my friends... is humanity."

Talk about lending a helping hand.

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