dimanche 23 juillet 2017

Why We All Need to Stop Waiting For The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead to Intersect

It's a question that the cast of Fear the Walking Dead gets all the time: will the characters ever meet up with Rick Grimes and his comrades from The Walking Dead? Producer Robert Kirkman addressed the possibility once and for all (or at least, for now) during the show's Comic-Con panel on Friday. He explained that it would be difficult for the writers to make it happen, because not only are the crews in very different places geographically, but the stories are also occurring in different time periods.

"Walking Dead season eight is so far ahead of the timeline compared to Fear the Walking Dead season three," Kirkman joked. "But Daryl Dixon [in] season eight is going to find a magical telephone to call back in time to Madison later on in this season three."

Magic phone aside, the producer said that "it's something we'd love to try and work out. I think the fans would love it. It's complicated because of that gap, but it's something we'd love to do eventually."

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