lundi 11 décembre 2017

10 Beauty Hacks That You Should Not Try at Home

Slowly step away from the internet . . . after you read this, of course. For many of us, Instagram is our beacon of beauty light, our trend report, and our personal beauty tutor. It can also steer us down a hopeless path to bad skin and unwise makeup decisions. While we all love a good hack - especially when it can potentially shave money and time off of our routine - they aren't always the smartest ways to save. There's a wealth of good that can be found in DIY beauty feeds and genius makeup ideas from some of our favorite gurus, but some things should never, ever be tried at home. Like, ever. We asked three dermatologists to weigh in on the potential hazards of 10 beauty hacks that have collectively gathered millions of views, or probably tons of tries.


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