lundi 11 décembre 2017

22 Beauty Resolutions to Make in Your 30s

So you found a gray hair or a wrinkle that isn't going away; no reason to panic. No one should be scared of turning 30, but in case you are, we've rounded up the beauty rules that POPSUGAR's most fabulous 30-something editors live by. So if 30 is around the corner, resolve to trade your addiction to tanning, smoking, or sparkly lip gloss for new vices, like serums, deep conditioners, and a pricey stylist.

While your 20s are a time for experimenting with edgy haircuts, lip colors, and questionable sexual partners, in your 30s, it's time to get serious about your long-term health and your long-term beauty. As soon as you accept that, the easier it will be; plus, it's an excuse to buy more beauty products. So keep calm and read on for 22 beauty rules to follow in your 30s.

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