jeudi 7 décembre 2017

A Comprehensive Guide to Every Gorgeous Braid From Pinterest

Grab your teasing combs and your dry shampoo - Braid 101 is in session. There are so many different plaits out there, and we admit we can only do half of them. Browsing our Instagram feeds, we often run into two emotions: total braid envy and plait perplexity.

Seriously, just looking at some of these styles makes our brains hurt (over then under, or under then over?). It can be as simple as a basic dutch version or as complex as a five-strand plait. No wonder "braids" is one of the top searched topics on the Internet. Everyone wants to master the new trendy style before a new one is invented. So, we've broken down every plait (with gorgeous real-girl pictures and tutorials) to inspire you to go back to beauty school.

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