jeudi 28 décembre 2017

Anemic? Study Shows That Treating Iron Deficiency Can Help You Lose Weight, Too

Are you anemic? Iron deficient? Many women are - in fact, roughly 20 percent of women (in childbearing age) have iron deficiency anemia, and that's not including women who are generally just low in iron. If you've experienced weight gain because of it, it's time to get serious about your iron supplementation - some research is showing it could help balance out your weight and jump-start your metabolism.

An Italian 2014 study looked at 21 anemic women over the course of four to six months while they took iron supplements orally to treat anemia. At the end of the trial, it was reported that their waists shrank, their weight dropped, and their BMI was "significantly reduced." Pretty amazing results, right?

The report mentioned that the study was indeed small, and that there would need to be more studies to give a concrete recommendation, but the initial findings suggested that "treatment of iron deficiency may improve not only haematological but also metabolic and anthropometric parameters." Big words, even bigger significance. You'll be helping balance your blood while you boost your energy and your metabolism, all while changing the shape your body (ideally, if all goes to plan and you continue eating healthily).

Talk to your doctor and see how much iron is safe for you to take to treat your anemia. You may be pleasantly surprised with the change in your weight!

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