lundi 18 décembre 2017

Miss Jamaica Wins Again by Starting the #AfroFriday Movement

Miss Jamaica Davina Bennett won over the internet when her Afro graced the Miss Universe pageant stage. Now, she's using her platform to propel a social media movement that spotlights other folks proudly wearing natural hair.

Davina started using the #AfroFriday and #freeyourfroFriday hashtags for reposts of other people's Afros. There are over 100 gorgeous shots on her page so far, featuring all ages and genders. Judging by the captions, she could barely contain her excitement. "Wowwwwwerrzzzz!!!! AFRO MOVEMENT IS IN FULL EFFFEECCCCT!!!" she wrote.

She also shared, "I appreciate this initiative and [the] feeling of knowing that our people (from all over) believe that nothing is wrong with just embracing their natural hair. You don't have to conform to the "standardized beauty", you can just be you and you look great!"

Ahead, get see all the photos picked by Davina.

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