vendredi 5 janvier 2018

21 #MealPrep Ideas That Are Anything but Boring

Do you #MealPrep? Meal prepping, or making your weekly breakfasts, lunches, and sometimes dinners ahead of time, is the craze sweeping the nation. Many self-confessed meal preppers often take to Instagram to show off their ingenuity and handiwork. People on special diets, such as Paleo or those on Weight Watchers, have long enjoyed meal prepping, since it can be hard to pick up dishes that conform to their strict needs on a whim.

Now, meal prepping is going mainstream as more and more people try to get a handle on the week ahead. It's also a great way to ensure you eat healthy and often for less than buying meals out. In fact, meal prepping is getting a downright gourmet makeover - check out these 21 inspiring examples of #mealprep!

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